Click on the column heading to sort the table or use the search function.
SoundexLast NameFirst NamePagesResource
W340Waddill25,26,28,46-49,65-68MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W426Walker17,43,47,51,56,57,64MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W460Waller22,42,62,71MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W436Walters18MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W430Walty46MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W630Ward26MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W453Wayland17,57MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W520Waymack38MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W256Weasner18MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W160Weaver32MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W100Webb26,48,49,64,68MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W123Webster17,32MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W416Welborn47,49MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W420Welch27,32MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W236Westervelt50MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W324Wetzel46,57MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W460Wheeler51MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W424Whelchel24-26,50MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W300White38,50,68,69MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W320Widick58MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W240Wiggle62MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W422Wilcox8MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W425Wilkinson6MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W452Williams18,25,27,28,29,48,67MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W420Willis58MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W425Wilson3,18,46,50,57,65,66,69,78MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W532Windsor17MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W410Wolf58MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W410Wolff17MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W300Wood24MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W320Woods32MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W326Woodsworth24MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W363Woodyard57MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W410Woolf57MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W623Wright7,29,57MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W300Wyatt57MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIX (1998), No. 1-4
W300WadeIda May72Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W256WagnerElmer Lloyd76Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W426WalkerThomas R.130Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W436WaltersKeith Roland13Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W362WatersOlive Leona105Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W420WelchArthur L.76Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W420WelchMary L.120Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W420WellsCharles D.87Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W420WellsCharles Everett73Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W420WellsHarriet Etta117Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W230WestHazel64Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W324WetzelMinnie M.77Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W300WheatRose Ann51Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W460WheelerAdda Elizabeth70Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W460WheelerJohn Herschel104Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W460WheelerWilliam Philip30Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W453WielandJohn Robert123Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W445WilhelmHelen Louise36Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W445WilhelmMartin Luther24Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W400WilleyHannah Susan55Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W400WilleyIsaac Lincoln104Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W452WilliamsClyde C.73Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W452WilliamsJohn R.64Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W420WillisHollie E.130Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W425WilsonDella36Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W425WilsonElizabeth Ann37Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W425WilsonFrank A.108Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W425WilsonHerbert John15Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W425WilsonIna L.38Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W425WilsonMarjorie Joan66Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W425WilsonMilo5Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W425WilsonPrice62Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W425WilsonWalter M.33Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W425WilsonWilliam Thomas23Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W536WintersCarl C.124Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W536WintersMaurice C.125Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W536WintersRetta Frances87Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W536WintersRoy D.80Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W300WoodBessie124Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W320WoodsOrel91Clugston Funeral Home Records 1926-1949, Volume I
W426Walker5Chockley Cemetery - Eldorado Township
W425Wilson5, 7Chockley Cemetery - Eldorado Township
W210Wyckoff11Chockley Cemetery - Eldorado Township
W340Waddill85, 86, 921850 Federal Census
W340Waddle85, 86, 921850 Federal Census
W256Waggoner1261850 Federal Census
W240Wagle1401850 Federal Census
W452Waling1781850 Federal Census
W426Walker1, 7, 15, 17, 18, 34, 42, 97, 121, 122, 126, 151, 164, 167, 168, 169, 1791850 Federal Census
W520Wamack641850 Federal Census
W630Ward53, 54, 57, 103 1850 Federal Census
W600Ware128, 129, 132, 1431850 Federal Census
W620Wares1451850 Federal Census
W650Warren381850 Federal Census
W362Waters13, 18, 1701850 Federal Census
W325Watson177, 1781850 Federal Census
W453Wayland951850 Federal Census
W600Wear128, 129, 132 1850 Federal Census
W100Webb77, 93, 94, 1201850 Federal Census
W123Webster31, 44, 1091850 Federal Census
W416Welborn1461850 Federal Census
W420Welch731850 Federal Census
W420Welsh15, 49, 59, 70, 711850 Federal Census
W230West841850 Federal Census
W231Westfall8, 9, 15, 1761850 Federal Census
W234Westly1251850 Federal Census
W310Wethebee461850 Federal Census
W460Wheeler10, 18, 100, 135, 144, 1751850 Federal Census
W300White3, 64, 65, 76, 79, 89, 911850 Federal Census
W316Whiteford101, 1021850 Federal Census
W350Whitten12, 131850 Federal Census
W353Whittendon143, 1461850 Federal Census
W310Widby131, 1431850 Federal Census
W416Wilborne1461850 Federal Census
W422Wilcox1801850 Federal Census
W400Wiley1491850 Federal Census
W426Wilkerson401850 Federal Census
W452Williams50, 65, 66, 71, 721850 Federal Census
W420Willis2, 1821850 Federal Census
W420Willocke1801850 Federal Census
W415Willping111850 Federal Census
W420Wills21850 Federal Census
W425Willson4, 56, 82, 114, 123, 1401850 Federal Census
W425Wilson12, 34, 35, 48, 66, 132, 133, 1761850 Federal Census
W410Wolff13, 431850 Federal Census
W400Wolly73, 841850 Federal Census
W300Wood1751850 Federal Census
W363Woodard1431850 Federal Census
W316Woodbridge571850 Federal Census
W320Woods119, 1741850 Federal Census
W323Woodsides49, 57, 581850 Federal Census
W363Woodworth5, 211850 Federal Census
W400Wooley1701850 Federal Census
W400Wooly731850 Federal Census
W652Wormack87, 1341850 Federal Census
W623Wright1601850 Federal Census
W300Wyatt39, 112, 113, 1141850 Federal Census
W165Wybrant77, 85, 861850 Federal Census
W500Wyne11850 Federal Census
W340Waddill234, 439, 450, 451, 4551870 Federal Census
W300Wade208, 305, 396, 403, 4081870 Federal Census
W326Wadsworth2711870 Federal Census
W160Wafer971870 Federal Census
W200Wage371, 3721870 Federal Census
W256Waggoner2851870 Federal Census
W240Wagle1491870 Federal Census
W256Wagner3281870 Federal Census
W256Wagoner41, 4911870 Federal Census
W300Waid2291870 Federal Census
W214Wakefield4661870 Federal Census
W260Waker3101870 Federal Census
W426Walker108, 138, 139, 148, 151, 196, 202, 204, 239, 253, 258, 263, 270, 273, 278, 283, 287, 307, 322, 382, 1870 Federal Census
W425Walkins4091870 Federal Census
W420Walky3641870 Federal Census
W420Wallace42, 77, 841870 Federal Census
W450Wallen4031870 Federal Census
W460Waller1870 Federal Census
W452Wallingferd2961870 Federal Census
W452Wallingford151, 1521870 Federal Census
W420Walls151870 Federal Census
W420Walsh89, 4081870 Federal Census
W435Walten231870 Federal Census
W436Walter23, 107, 286, 294, 3741870 Federal Census
W436Walters96, 316, 327, 345, 351, 352, 354, 473, 4771870 Federal Census
W435Waltman51, 821870 Federal Census
W435Walton315, 359, 3611870 Federal Census
W630Ward20, 25, 27, 74, 226, 298, 369, 3771870 Federal Census
W635Warden3871870 Federal Census
W656Warner145, 3331870 Federal Census
W650Warren208, 240, 264, 338, 3841870 Federal Census
W656Warriner3941870 Federal Census
W652Warrington3571870 Federal Census
W212Washabaugh2611870 Federal Census
W210Washabow1451870 Federal Census
W252Washington227, 4051870 Federal Census
W365Waterman4051870 Federal Census
W362Waters275, 336, 3441870 Federal Census
W325Watson30, 422, 425, 4271870 Federal Census
W300Watt1721870 Federal Census
W320Watts45, 1931870 Federal Census
W200Waugh1341870 Federal Census
W453Wayland105, 111, 112, 125, 161, 2801870 Federal Census
W500Wayne350, 3511870 Federal Census
W600Wear216, 218, 220, 2211870 Federal Census
W160Weaver66, 95, 111, 242, 310, 384, 3881870 Federal Census
W100Webb28, 223, 237, 253, 3021870 Federal Census
W123Webster47, 83, 336, 463, 4641870 Federal Census
W120Webush3591870 Federal Census
W600Weir141870 Federal Census
W416Welburn81870 Federal Census
W420Welch21, 29, 37, 46, 85, 102, 149, 162, 283, 313, 319, 320, 347, 404, 440, 432, 466, 469, 472, 4871870 Federal Census
W422Welchhause2301870 Federal Census
W454Welhonl2081870 Federal Census
W426Welker2591870 Federal Census
W452Welling3081870 Federal Census
W455Wellman3991870 Federal Census
W420Wells2, 3, 65, 80, 85, 263, 272, 285, 363, 4241870 Federal Census
W420Welsh3521870 Federal Census
W520Wenke3171870 Federal Census
W632Wertz4631870 Federal Census
W230West2, 71, 79, 81, 2611870 Federal Census
W236Westerhold268, 2691870 Federal Census
W236Westervelt3681870 Federal Census
W231Westfall56, 82, 248, 270, 271, 272, 373, 388, 4141870 Federal Census
W232Westgate901870 Federal Census
W234Westlake132, 3161870 Federal Census
W235Westman292, 3001870 Federal Census
W235Westmuhous731870 Federal Census
W324Wetsel3421870 Federal Census
W324Wetzel58, 89, 334, 339, 342, 362, 4711870 Federal Census
W450Whalen263, 4381870 Federal Census
W450Whalon1211870 Federal Census
W450Whaylon1161870 Federal Census
W300Wheat2551870 Federal Census
W460Wheeler28, 42, 52, 91, 191, 220, 225, 258, 275, 396, 4791870 Federal Census
W424Whelchel446, 447, 4491870 Federal Census
W230Whikead691870 Federal Census
W246Whisler3381870 Federal Census
W326Whitaker171, 2941870 Federal Census
W300White22, 78, 84, 99, 121, 147, 166, 268, 346, 356, 358, 381, 385, 433, 434, 436, 473, 4881870 Federal Census
W355Whitman2511870 Federal Census
W325Whitson2931870 Federal Census
W350Whitten288, 2971870 Federal Census
W360Whittier681870 Federal Census
W352Whittingslow4581870 Federal Census
W352Whittington225, 2271870 Federal Census
W342Whittlesey67, 72, 325, 332, 333, 4781870 Federal Census
W200Wick3241870 Federal Census
W352Widensy771870 Federal Census
W600Wier219, 220, 225, 227, 4591870 Federal Census
W620Wiers781870 Federal Census
W252Wiggins2261870 Federal Census
W422Wilcox329, 4181870 Federal Census
W436Wilder841870 Federal Census
W400Wiley118, 119, 122, 242, 245, 283, 415, 4671870 Federal Census
W415Wilfiny41870 Federal Census
W445Wilhelm200, 2051870 Federal Census
W460Wilhower1311870 Federal Census
W425Wilkins34, 314, 3551870 Federal Census
W422Willcoxen1271870 Federal Census
W400Willey5, 111870 Federal Census
W445Willhelm2111870 Federal Census
W450William121870 Federal Census
W452Williams27, 30, 31, 37, 38, 92, 168, 179, 190, 234, 279, 300, 340, 350, 363, 369, 395, 430, 4371870 Federal Census
W452Williamson69, 80, 4801870 Federal Census
W420Willis67, 68, 101, 152, 348, 413, 4511870 Federal Census
W425Willson2041870 Federal Census
W425Wilson4, 17, 27, 28, 35, 51, 53, 54, 61, 62, 63, 75, 89, 91, 92, 147, 148, 158, 170, 174, 187, 193, 195, 21870 Federal Census
W423Wilstead4611870 Federal Census
W430Wilt77, 84, 3481870 Federal Census
W532Windsor468, 4691870 Federal Census
W524Wingler791870 Federal Census
W521Winship4571870 Federal Census
W524Winslow2581870 Federal Census
W263Wishard60, 611870 Federal Census
W263Wishart4021870 Federal Census
W245Wisleman771870 Federal Census
W243Wisslead381870 Federal Census
W246Wissler347, 3481870 Federal Census
W362Witherspoon2721870 Federal Census
W360Withrow2831870 Federal Census
W410Wolf22, 253, 292, 298, 3011870 Federal Census
W416Wolford4301870 Federal Census
W300Wood123, 190, 280, 337, 354, 401, 4361870 Federal Census
W316Woodburn341870 Federal Census
W355Woodmansee3781870 Federal Census
W361Woodruf87, 881870 Federal Census
W320Woods36, 52, 123, 128, 338, 3431870 Federal Census
W323Woodside38, 391870 Federal Census
W323Woodsides40, 41, 1601870 Federal Census
W363Woodward4911870 Federal Census
W363Woodworth2941870 Federal Census
W300Woody561870 Federal Census
W363Woodyard2901870 Federal Census
W450Woolam3931870 Federal Census
W436Wooldridge2861870 Federal Census
W460Woolery395, 3961870 Federal Census
W400Wooley63, 119, 178, 340, 417, 418, 4591870 Federal Census
W436Woolheater4441870 Federal Census
W462Woolrich4211870 Federal Census
W416Woolverton126, 2911870 Federal Census
W635Worden4751870 Federal Census
W620Work307, 321, 322, 3321870 Federal Census
W625Workman135, 3971870 Federal Census
W640Worley140, 141, 306, 331, 413, 4901870 Federal Census
W654Wormley3, 61870 Federal Census
W630Wort4201870 Federal Census
W635Worthington15, 3081870 Federal Census
W635Wortman274, 2771870 Federal Census
W623Wright32, 33, 152, 166, 208, 262, 330, 339, 380, 390, 394, 4121870 Federal Census
W623Wrightnoner1901870 Federal Census
W624Wrigly591870 Federal Census
W355Wutman4171870 Federal Census
W300Wyatt188, 208, 3421870 Federal Census
W165Wybrant2341870 Federal Census
W210Wycoff861870 Federal Census
W560Wymer1351870 Federal Census
W500Wyne2741870 Federal Census
W256Waggoner47, 48, 98, 105Bardolph Cemetery
W256Wagner107, 156Bardolph Cemetery
W200Wagy34Bardolph Cemetery
W300Waid16, 20, 21, 43, 45, 46, 98Bardolph Cemetery
W426Walker2, 5, 16, 17, 52, 57, 61, 62, 67, 85, 111, 119, 120, 129, 130 ,142, 158, 165, 176, 179Bardolph Cemetery
W420Wallace140Bardolph Cemetery
W436Walter142Bardolph Cemetery
W436Walters120Bardolph Cemetery
W630Ward89Bardolph Cemetery
W636Wardrip20, 21, 45Bardolph Cemetery
W636Wardrup85Bardolph Cemetery
W656Warner152Bardolph Cemetery
W652Warrington44Bardolph Cemetery
W325Watson57, 65, 105, 144, 146Bardolph Cemetery
W320Watts103Bardolph Cemetery
W234Waughtel46Bardolph Cemetery
W000Way147Bardolph Cemetery
W520Waymack13, 26, 37, 109, 133Bardolph Cemetery
W600Wear103Bardolph Cemetery
W160Weaver19, 20, 28, 72, 89, 125Bardolph Cemetery
W100Webb90, 154Bardolph Cemetery
W140Webble175Bardolph Cemetery
W160Weber107Bardolph Cemetery
W262Weghorst53Bardolph Cemetery
W200Weiss44Bardolph Cemetery
W420Wells74Bardolph Cemetery
W632Werdsell85Bardolph Cemetery
W230West3, 40, 53Bardolph Cemetery
W236Westerhold88Bardolph Cemetery
W231Westfall40Bardolph Cemetery
W234Westlake140Bardolph Cemetery
W324Wetzel27, 28, 42, 46, 89, 111, 117, 121, 132, 153, 157, 167Bardolph Cemetery
W460Wheeler36, 126, 169Bardolph Cemetery
W640Wherley117Bardolph Cemetery
W234Whistler22, 26, 130Bardolph Cemetery
W326Whitaker23, 38, 60Bardolph Cemetery
W300White8, 143, 145Bardolph Cemetery
W355Whiteman23Bardolph Cemetery
W360Whittier142, 145, 146, 151, 153, 159Bardolph Cemetery
W422Wilcox17, 57, 61, 131, 132Bardolph Cemetery
W400Wiley21, 62, 102, 107, 126, 127, 128Bardolph Cemetery
W445Wilhelm45, 46Bardolph Cemetery
W425Wilkins139Bardolph Cemetery
W452Williams28, 92, 96, 109, 138, 139, 175Bardolph Cemetery
W452Williamson107, 110Bardolph Cemetery
W420Willis34, 35, 104, 109, 112, 114, 156, 157, 174, 176Bardolph Cemetery
W432Willits110Bardolph Cemetery
W425Wilson1, 55, 56, 57, 61, 62, 74, 76, 77, 88, 100, 101, 111, 127, 128 ,129, 156, 163, 170, 172, 184Bardolph Cemetery
W536Winter9, 69, 102, 104, 105, 112, 114, 116, 121, 127, 128, 136 ,137, 172Bardolph Cemetery
W300Wood7, 75, 81Bardolph Cemetery
W320Woods28Bardolph Cemetery
W363Woodworth36Bardolph Cemetery
W450Woolan46, 164Bardolph Cemetery
W632Wordsell85Bardolph Cemetery
W620Work7, 26, 27, 38, 70, 100, 101Bardolph Cemetery
W652Wormack109Bardolph Cemetery
W635Worthington73Bardolph Cemetery
W623Wright43, 45, 89, 111, 162, 167Bardolph Cemetery
W210Wykoff55Bardolph Cemetery
W140Wabel2811880 Federal Census
W340Waddill484, 485, 489, 491, 492, 495, 4981880 Federal Census
W300Wade2561880 Federal Census
W160Wafer4061880 Federal Census
W256Waggoner3631880 Federal Census
W256Wagner413, 4271880 Federal Census
W256Wagoner380, 5001880 Federal Census
W453Wahaland147, 1481880 Federal Census
W300Waid290, 2921880 Federal Census
W214Wakefeld1491880 Federal Census
W426Walker18, 76, 81, 105, 112, 172, 175, 189, 200, 236, 290, 312, 313, 316, 327, 333, 338, 350, 357, 388, 3961880 Federal Census
W420Wallace60, 3151880 Federal Census
W450Wallam1861880 Federal Census
W460Waller37, 183, 2701880 Federal Census
W450Wallin452, 4571880 Federal Census
W452Walling641880 Federal Census
W452Wallingford345, 4461880 Federal Census
W460Wallor2491880 Federal Census
W420Walls133, 1341880 Federal Census
W436Walter33, 37, 130, 3481880 Federal Census
W436Walters64, 288, 302, 382, 383, 419, 430, 5091880 Federal Census
W435Waltham3731880 Federal Census
W436Walthers951880 Federal Census
W435Walton428, 4291880 Federal Census
W514Wampler3201880 Federal Census
W500Wann581880 Federal Census
W630Ward33, 34, 295, 321, 3931880 Federal Census
W635Warden401880 Federal Census
W656Warner49, 394, 4031880 Federal Census
W650Warren195, 353, 4391880 Federal Census
W656Warrener3311880 Federal Census
W620Warrick6, 4911880 Federal Census
W656Warriner3271880 Federal Census
W242Washalough2981880 Federal Census
W362Waters387, 394, 403, 4371880 Federal Census
W325Watson91, 208, 340, 465, 466, 469, 470, 4711880 Federal Census
W320Watts184, 203, 254, 264, 275, 4931880 Federal Census
W000Way480, 4871880 Federal Census
W453Wayland108, 110, 127, 180, 181, 3341880 Federal Census
W520Waymack221880 Federal Census
W550Wayman416, 4171880 Federal Census
W600Wear25, 254, 261, 263, 264, 270, 2761880 Federal Census
W160Weaver18, 90, 94, 97, 4101880 Federal Census
W100Webb29, 260, 270, 318, 323, 338, 354, 356, 358, 435, 4361880 Federal Census
W160Weber631880 Federal Census
W123Webster82, 142, 151, 161, 4021880 Federal Census
W300Weed721880 Federal Census
W356Weidemer711880 Federal Census
W600Weir1391880 Federal Census
W636Weirather1071880 Federal Census
W416Welborn191880 Federal Census
W420Welch32, 110, 156, 158, 159, 188, 193, 196, 205, 223, 224, 225, 311, 312, 354, 369, 370, 377, 390, 494, 41880 Federal Census
W452Welling3871880 Federal Census
W420Wells17, 81, 99, 114, 313, 328, 329, 336, 352, 353, 4111880 Federal Census
W420Welsh48, 153, 437, 438, 4481880 Federal Census
W534Wendlevy1081880 Federal Census
W656Werner721880 Federal Census
W230West18, 60, 61, 63, 74, 104, 400, 4111880 Federal Census
W236Westervelt4251880 Federal Census
W231Westfall82, 310, 411, 414, 423, 4751880 Federal Census
W234Westlake178, 379, 3991880 Federal Census
W235Westman3451880 Federal Census
W235Weston2981880 Federal Census
W364Wetherhold3211880 Federal Census
W352Wetingal1861880 Federal Census
W324Wetsel278, 379, 395, 396, 397, 398, 4011880 Federal Census
W324Wetzel4271880 Federal Census
W450Whalan124, 3511880 Federal Census
W450Whalen761880 Federal Census
W400Whaley461880 Federal Census
W450Whalin4821880 Federal Census
W300Wheat3341880 Federal Census
W460Wheeler18, 46, 77, 88, 96, 102, 239, 263, 264, 277, 286, 3521880 Federal Census
W424Whelchell4851880 Federal Census
W640Wherley1741880 Federal Census
W400Whille1811880 Federal Census
W140Whipple3221880 Federal Census
W326Whitaker45, 3401880 Federal Census
W300White67, 133, 152, 161, 186, 217, 311, 316, 391, 408, 414, 425, 470, 480, 481, 485, 491, 4981880 Federal Census
W323Whitegaten1411880 Federal Census
W352Whiteing2281880 Federal Census
W352Whiting3731880 Federal Census
W340Whitley401880 Federal Census
W355Whitman328, 4321880 Federal Census
W356Whitmore1051880 Federal Census
W320Whitsey4051880 Federal Census
W325Whitson321, 3461880 Federal Census
W350Whitten307, 3461880 Federal Census
W360Whittier42, 681880 Federal Census
W352Whittingslow134, 135, 1371880 Federal Census
W352Whittington266, 3261880 Federal Census
W342Whittlesee5141880 Federal Census
W342Whittlesey68, 70, 3421880 Federal Census
W342Whittlesy64, 651880 Federal Census
W245Wickline4011880 Federal Census
W340Widley2681880 Federal Census
W600Wier263, 4911880 Federal Census
W252Wiggins2581880 Federal Census
W235Wightman4511880 Federal Census
W416Wilburn2641880 Federal Census
W422Wilcox288, 380, 450, 4641880 Federal Census
W430Wilde801880 Federal Census
W400Wiley41, 123, 124, 149, 150, 173, 279, 297, 3111880 Federal Census
W415Wilfony3551880 Federal Census
W416Wilfruershous631880 Federal Census
W445Wilhelm250, 2511880 Federal Census
W425Wilkins4061880 Federal Census
W425Wilkinson451880 Federal Census
W400Willey13, 16, 20, 22, 23, 241880 Federal Census
W445Willhellend2351880 Federal Census
W445Willhillams228, 2291880 Federal Census
W445Willhillm2361880 Federal Census
W452Williams28, 38, 49, 61, 144, 158, 184, 208, 214, 217, 222, 223, 267, 268, 304, 325, 327, 334, 386, 390, 394,1880 Federal Census
W452Williamson39, 77, 105, 185, 4571880 Federal Census
W400Willie5121880 Federal Census
W420Willis88, 254, 258, 279, 303, 309, 350, 4731880 Federal Census
W425Willison3251880 Federal Census
W425Willson147, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237, 241, 249, 250, 4881880 Federal Census
W425Wilson4, 13, 14, 23, 33, 51, 58, 60, 75, 85, 104, 119, 135, 138, 140, 191, 195, 196, 200, 205, 209, 210, 21880 Federal Census
W430Wilt69, 3851880 Federal Census
W532Windship1301880 Federal Census
W524Winkler911880 Federal Census
W521Winship1321880 Federal Census
W524Winslow286, 305, 3061880 Federal Census
W536Winter3001880 Federal Census
W600Wire2631880 Federal Census
W660Wirer1611880 Federal Census
W255Wiseman681880 Federal Census
W263Wisherd63, 92, 105, 1631880 Federal Census
W243Wisslead51, 440, 4491880 Federal Census
W246Wissler4061880 Federal Census
W362Witherspoon94, 3161880 Federal Census
W360Withrow3081880 Federal Census
W450Wolam4571880 Federal Census
W430Wold1451880 Federal Census
W410Wolf28, 47, 106, 314, 316, 345, 3461880 Federal Census
W416Wolford299, 4721880 Federal Census
W400Wolley2251880 Federal Census
W416Wolverton621880 Federal Census
W300Wood31, 74, 178, 188, 4791880 Federal Census
W363Woodard2621880 Federal Census
W350Wooden5181880 Federal Census
W355Woodman891880 Federal Census
W355Woodmance4201880 Federal Census
W320Woods10, 155, 224, 386, 393, 424, 4661880 Federal Census
W323Woodside52, 1851880 Federal Census
W363Woodworth3471880 Federal Census
W300Woody70, 90, 365, 4751880 Federal Census
W363Woodyard3391880 Federal Census
W460Woolary4571880 Federal Census
W416Woolever4201880 Federal Census
W400Wooley37, 132, 5091880 Federal Census
W400Woolley5121880 Federal Census
W463Woolridge3921880 Federal Census
W416Woolverton306, 3211880 Federal Census
W400Wooly4631880 Federal Census
W350Wooton4621880 Federal Census
W635Worden4211880 Federal Census
W650Woren3131880 Federal Census
W620Work288, 364, 375, 3801880 Federal Census
W640Worley1211880 Federal Census
W654Wormly10, 161880 Federal Census
W653Worntz2331880 Federal Census
W635Wortman3181880 Federal Census
W650Wren410, 4271880 Federal Census
W623Wright33, 41, 50, 95, 112, 130, 211, 229, 247, 322, 326, 397, 410, 449, 4771880 Federal Census
W300Wyatt230, 231, 398, 4211880 Federal Census
W165Wybrant2681880 Federal Census
W210Wycoff901880 Federal Census
W600Wyer41880 Federal Census
W200Wyke4821880 Federal Census
W500Wyne313, 3591880 Federal Census
W340Waddell694, 7011860 Federal Census
W340Waddle700, 8411860 Federal Census
W300Wade428, 506, 587, 818, 8351860 Federal Census
W326Wadsworth7591860 Federal Census
W240Wagle8721860 Federal Census
W256Wagner7511860 Federal Census
W260Waker5201860 Federal Census
W435Walden5061860 Federal Census
W420Wales7831860 Federal Census
W426Walker386, 388, 398, 410, 424, 471, 519, 530, 541, 545, 550, 553, 565, 584, 612, 697, 712, 717, 744, 746, 1860 Federal Census
W400Wall5301860 Federal Census
W450Wallen7611860 Federal Census
W460Waller8711860 Federal Census
W452Walling4851860 Federal Census
W436Walter6871860 Federal Census
W436Walters421, 549, 718, 7381860 Federal Census
W512Wanbaugh6751860 Federal Census
W630Ward612, 613, 619, 670, 693, 711, 8511860 Federal Census
W635Warden6021860 Federal Census
W614Warful4331860 Federal Census
W652Warmuck7181860 Federal Census
W656Warner386, 5911860 Federal Census
W650Warren417, 448, 619, 620, 765, 7691860 Federal Census
W650Warrin4731860 Federal Census
W650Warrine4741860 Federal Census
W216Washburn4691860 Federal Census
W362Waters394, 396, 399, 435, 487, 531, 541, 553, 7591860 Federal Census
W325Watkins462, 760, 7611860 Federal Census
W363Watroat386, 3871860 Federal Census
W362Watross7591860 Federal Census
W362Watrous7601860 Federal Census
W320Wats5781860 Federal Census
W325Watson613, 787, 7911860 Federal Census
W300Watt7731860 Federal Census
W320Watts623, 704, 845, 8481860 Federal Census
W000Way370, 371, 699, 8421860 Federal Census
W453Wayland515, 567, 708, 709, 715, 716, 7191860 Federal Census
W400Wayley5121860 Federal Census
W520Waymack8691860 Federal Census
W400Wealy8361860 Federal Census
W600Wear846, 847, 8491860 Federal Census
W361Weatherbrighd5341860 Federal Census
W364Weatherhold8171860 Federal Census
W160Weaver479, 525, 676, 7101860 Federal Census
W100Webb511, 699, 7281860 Federal Census
W123Webster510, 610, 676, 7901860 Federal Census
W600Weir397, 832, 8511860 Federal Census
W416Welburn8551860 Federal Census
W420Welch591, 667, 683, 7581860 Federal Census
W424Welchill6961860 Federal Census
W426Welker5251860 Federal Census
W420Welles6501860 Federal Census
W420Wellis4841860 Federal Census
W420Wells489, 495, 534, 552, 8671860 Federal Census
W420Welsh415, 418, 436, 540, 585, 612, 615, 655, 656, 659, 719, 7801860 Federal Census
W526Wenger5501860 Federal Census
W635Wertman7721860 Federal Census
W230West494, 528, 552, 586, 7131860 Federal Census
W231Westfall399, 472, 486, 505, 535, 5561860 Federal Census
W234Westlake379, 4031860 Federal Census
W235Westman586, 5871860 Federal Census
W235Weston5081860 Federal Census
W352Wetengill6731860 Federal Census
W361Wetherford6181860 Federal Census
W320Wetoch4141860 Federal Census
W324Wetsell390, 398, 4141860 Federal Census
W350Wetton5551860 Federal Census
W600Weyer8311860 Federal Census
W450Whalen6891860 Federal Census
W460Wheeler437, 442, 450, 494, 623, 632, 836, 8511860 Federal Census
W424Whelchell6971860 Federal Census
W300Whit5211860 Federal Census
W300White394, 404, 456, 475, 477, 478, 485, 546, 576, 583, 637, 648, 663, 665, 666, 688, 703, 719, 771, 8781860 Federal Census
W330Whitehead6811860 Federal Census
W355Whitmanhouse4841860 Federal Census
W325Whitson5631860 Federal Census
W342Whittelsey7431860 Federal Census
W350Whitten548, 5601860 Federal Census
W320Whittesey7451860 Federal Census
W352Whittington836, 8371860 Federal Census
W342Whittlesey745, 7551860 Federal Census
W350Whitton4761860 Federal Census
W355Wideman4801860 Federal Census
W416Wilburn5411860 Federal Census
W422Wilcox423, 7901860 Federal Census
W436Wilder4751860 Federal Census
W435Wildman4211860 Federal Census
W415Wilfong5361860 Federal Census
W445Wilhelm8171860 Federal Census
W445Wilhelms8151860 Federal Census
W452Wilhems8151860 Federal Census
W425Wilkins4061860 Federal Census
W425Wilkinson4021860 Federal Census
W420Wilks6581860 Federal Census
W422Willcox5011860 Federal Census
W422Willcoxen3691860 Federal Census
W430Willet4711860 Federal Census
W400Willey858, 859, 8601860 Federal Census
W450William394, 458, 735, 787, 7891860 Federal Census
W452Williams446, 454, 455, 484, 551, 589, 593, 644, 645, 686, 696, 769, 8681860 Federal Census
W452Williamson435, 4421860 Federal Census
W420Willis404, 405, 557, 7811860 Federal Census
W425Willison8171860 Federal Census
W425Willkinson5881860 Federal Census
W424Willslead6721860 Federal Census
W425Willsom5151860 Federal Census
W425Willson388, 406, 407, 409, 412, 414, 416, 427, 428, 432, 433, 493, 515, 522, 524, 540, 554, 560, 579, 594, 1860 Federal Census
W425Wilson481, 739, 775, 862, 8771860 Federal Census
W430Wilt4101860 Federal Census
W532Windson5021860 Federal Census
W532Windsor6791860 Federal Census
W521Winship6741860 Federal Census
W524Winslow5261860 Federal Census
W255Wiseman4981860 Federal Census
W243Wisslead499, 5941860 Federal Census
W300Withow5471860 Federal Census
W356Witmerhaas7471860 Federal Census
W410Wolf524, 540, 559, 687, 779, 805, 8601860 Federal Census
W410Wolfe5551860 Federal Census
W540Womley7081860 Federal Census
W300Wood412, 581, 666, 670, 674, 683, 7801860 Federal Census
W340Woodall4571860 Federal Census
W316Woodbridge623, 6241860 Federal Census
W350Wooden5021860 Federal Census
W316Woodford625, 7841860 Federal Census
W340Woodly4841860 Federal Census
W355Woodmanson4631860 Federal Census
W361Woodruff7851860 Federal Census
W320Woods392, 396, 403, 584, 716, 720, 751, 7891860 Federal Census
W323Woodside7701860 Federal Census
W323Woodsides595, 596, 597, 6411860 Federal Census
W363Woodworth557, 8371860 Federal Census
W300Woody7581860 Federal Census
W363Woodyard5581860 Federal Census
W400Wooley7631860 Federal Census
W400Woolley7141860 Federal Census
W400Woolly391, 485, 6691860 Federal Census
W463Woolridge782, 7881860 Federal Census
W400Wooly3911860 Federal Census
W620Work8421860 Federal Census
W625Workman621, 6341860 Federal Census
W640Worley726, 8781860 Federal Census
W654Wormley8691860 Federal Census
W652Wormsley8631860 Federal Census
W640Worrell476, 6221860 Federal Census
W635Wortman7721860 Federal Census
W246Woslry6571860 Federal Census
W230Wozt--5431860 Federal Census
W623Wright377, 388, 398, 483, 534, 602, 626, 692, 693, 7771860 Federal Census
W630Wryht4991860 Federal Census
W165Wybrant8411860 Federal Census
W210Wycoff4871860 Federal Census
W300Wyett8111860 Federal Census
W400Wyly502, 5381860 Federal Census
W550Wyman468, 6151860 Federal Census
W500Wyne534, 7151860 Federal Census
W340Waddell8, 9, 12, 17, 27, 28, 37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W256Waggoner52MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W240Wagle25MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W214Wakefield24MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W426Walker13, 23, 37, 44MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W460Waller1, 57MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W430Walt58MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W436Walters16, 29MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W430Walty24MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W630Ward13, 35, 36, 37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W636Warder23, 27MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W252Washington12, 36MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W325Watson9, 12, 36, 37, 53MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W600Wear28MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W160Weaver58MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W100Webb16, 26, 29, 33, 37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W123Webster12, 37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W514Weinfeld55MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W416Welborn24MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W420Welch12, 26, 34MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W420Wells12, 24, 36, 37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W420Welsh7, 9MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W230West35MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W236Westerhold44MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W231Westfall12, 35, 37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W352Wettengel13MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W450Whalan12MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W300Wheat34MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W460Wheeler12, 36, 57, 68MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W424Whelchel26MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W140Whipple12, 36, 37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W300White6, 9, 12, 16, 23, 24, 29, 43MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W350Whitten12, 36, 37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W352Whittington12MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W342Whittles27MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W400Wiley8, 12, 36MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W445Wilhelm53MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W420Wilkie26MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W400Willey12, 36MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W452Williams6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 25, 36, 37, 58MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W425Wilson7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 23, 24, 28, 34, 36, 37, 43, 55, 57, 58, 73MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W530Window15, 16MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W552Winningham12, 36MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W524Winslow13, 36, 37, 77MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W255Wiseman13, 37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W243Wisslead9MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W362Witherspoon12, 36MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W640Woerly12, 37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W410Wolf12, 36MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W320Woods12, 36MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W363Woodworth37, 56MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W350Wootten12MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W500Wyne12, 36, 37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XX (1999), No. 1-4
W340Waddell242, 251Industry Cemetery
W300Wade238, 267Industry Cemetery
W240Wagle75Industry Cemetery
W256Wagner54, 68, 70, 76, 89, 191, 235, 264Industry Cemetery
W256Wagoner89Industry Cemetery
W255Wakeman2Industry Cemetery
W426Walker5, 53, 145, 182, 189, 195, 212, 220, 222, 224, 231, 235, 239Industry Cemetery
W420Wallace92, 125Industry Cemetery
W460Waller6, 53, 210, 256Industry Cemetery
W400Walley266Industry Cemetery
W461Walraven152, 153, 163, 255Industry Cemetery
W436Walters7, 15, 16, 18, 19Industry Cemetery
W560Waner204Industry Cemetery
W630Ward24, 25, 264Industry Cemetery
W634Wardell187Industry Cemetery
W634Wardle17, 18Industry Cemetery
W653Warentz52, 53Industry Cemetery
W656Warner87, 268Industry Cemetery
W652Warrington214, 225, 226Industry Cemetery
W234Wasdell194, 195Industry Cemetery
W216Washburn43Industry Cemetery
W360Water122Industry Cemetery
W325Watson18, 92, 107, 108, 114, 187, 194, 235, 242, 260Industry Cemetery
W300Watt107Industry Cemetery
W200Waugh221Industry Cemetery
W453Wayland238, 245, 247Industry Cemetery
W520Waymack256Industry Cemetery
W160Weaver100, 126, 272Industry Cemetery
W100Webb143Industry Cemetery
W340Weddle213, 252Industry Cemetery
W355Weedman156Industry Cemetery
W435Weilding179Industry Cemetery
W516Weinberg102Industry Cemetery
W200Weiss74Industry Cemetery
W355Weitman137Industry Cemetery
W420Wells2, 47, 51, 61, 125, 267Industry Cemetery
W430Welty133, 150, 151, 222Industry Cemetery
W230West35, 36, 61, 77, 78, 79, 137, 138, 150, 164, 165, 180, 205Industry Cemetery
W236Westerhold213Industry Cemetery
W234Westlake93Industry Cemetery
W324Wetzel109, 181Industry Cemetery
W460Wheeler139, 140, 151, 154, 218, 219, 232, 233, 267Industry Cemetery
W420Wheelhouse260Industry Cemetery
W300White108, 133, 140, 219, 233Industry Cemetery
W355Whiteman33, 93, 163Industry Cemetery
W352Whiting45, 46Industry Cemetery
W324Whitsell29, 57Industry Cemetery
W352Whittenhouse99Industry Cemetery
W422Wilcox230Industry Cemetery
W445Wilhelm27, 36, 61, 82, 83, 98, 102, 143, 151, 193, 194, 198, 199, 245, 270, 272Industry Cemetery
W425Wilkins146Industry Cemetery
W425Wilkinson13, 241Industry Cemetery
W422Wilkison52Industry Cemetery
W400Willey4, 25, 26, 28, 126, 127, 134, 150, 153, 156, 204, 224, 225, 241, 267, 270Industry Cemetery
W452Williams6, 19, 31, 56, 105, 167, 168, 205, 238, 255, 256Industry Cemetery
W453Wilmot217, 218Industry Cemetery
W425Wilson18, 24, 25, 29, 31, 32, 34, 36, 46, 61, 64, 68, 75, 83, 84, 102, 110, 112, 113, 114, 134, 143, 155, Industry Cemetery
W536Winter215Industry Cemetery
W236Wistrand186Industry Cemetery
W300Witte137, 138, 164, 165Industry Cemetery
W260Woecker161Industry Cemetery
W640Woerly238Industry Cemetery
W410Wolf201Industry Cemetery
W410Wolfe155, 156Industry Cemetery
W416Wolford99Industry Cemetery
W536Wonderlick211Industry Cemetery
W536Wonderly221Industry Cemetery
W300Wood254, 266Industry Cemetery
W330Woodhead31Industry Cemetery
W361Woodruff258Industry Cemetery
W320Woods67, 131Industry Cemetery
W363Woodworth87, 120, 167Industry Cemetery
W643World130Industry Cemetery
W623Wright30, 38, 48, 58, 113, 120, 138, 246, 250, 258Industry Cemetery
W624Wrigley125, 196, 197Industry Cemetery
W300Wyatt70, 113, 154, 155, 270Industry Cemetery
W210Wyckoff27, 99, 100Industry Cemetery
W600Wyer155, 156, 216Industry Cemetery
W400Wyllie200Industry Cemetery
W300Wade1,111Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W256Wagner49,80Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W400Wahl83Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W426Walker17,24,27,61,73,121,122,130Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W461Walraven5,50,116,119,123Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W536Wanderlic10Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W630Ward36,53,104Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W653Warentz97Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W653Warntz40Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W650Warren57,107,111Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W325Watson34,36,41,47,91Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W000Way27Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W600Wear96Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W100Webb57,104Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W123Webster2Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W516Weinberg15Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W420Welch91,92Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W435Weldon52Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W452Welling18Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W420Wells37,65,84,88,94,97Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W420Welsh21Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W435Welton101Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W530Wendt120Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W230West2,9,64,79,113Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W236Westerdale129Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W460Wheeler8,54,68,69,76,93,125Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W420Whellhouse25Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W310Whitby78,86Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W300White54,76,93Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W352Whiting30,64,93Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W342Whitlock19Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W351Whittenberg7Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W600Wier84Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W416Wilbourne110Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W445Wilhelm36,95,121,125,128Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W426Wilkerson52,102Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W425Wilkins67Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W400Willey12,15,23,56,61,71,74,86,88,95,121,123Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W452Williams11,22,29,51,60,112Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W425Wilson6,15,18,19,21,27,32,35,42,46,48,49,50,51,52,54,56,57,57,59,60,68,72,74,76,82,85,88,90,91,92,93,106,1Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W432Wiltse93Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W536Winters31,57Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W410Wolf75Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W410Wolfe28,76,88,117Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W400Woll117Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W450Wollam112Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W300Wood128Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W361Woodruff35,74,81,124Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W320Woods64Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W363Woodworth33,45,105,119,124,127Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W640Worley87Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W640Worrell117Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W623Worsdell5Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W630Worth15Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W623Wright34,35,58,61,100Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W624Wrigley23,67Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W210Wyckoff59,72Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W500Wynn29Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W252Wysong35Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 3
W300Wade8Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W342Wadleigh8, 11Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W326Wadsworth130Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W300Waid6, 24, 31, 33, 34, 51, 72, 84, 91, 100Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W214Wakefield44Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W426Walker7, 15, 27, 46, 47, 48, 51, 65, 70, 71, 77, 82, 90, 101, 103, 110, 111, 116, 117, 120, 124, 126, 127,Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W420Wallace54Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W436Walter46Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W630Ward23, 29, 38, 55, 111, 117Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W600Ware5Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W653Warntz116, 117Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W252Washington84Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W253Wasmuth10Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W325Watson5, 44, 51, 52, 86, 108, 109, 113, 117, 122, 125Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W300Watt28Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W000Way30, 35Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W453Wayland54, 55Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W160Weaber76Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W160Weaver38, 110Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W100Webb8, 56, 58, 81, 86Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W123Webster5, 23Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W200Weeks99Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W420Welch17, 18, 43, 56, 99Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W426Welker43Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W420Wells70Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W420Welsh7Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W656Werner46Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W256Wesner4, 8Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W230West103, 112Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W231Westfall43, 87, 107, 124Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W234Westlake87Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W364Wetherhold14, 101Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W324Wetzel13, 15, 20, 55, 63, 67, 90, 100, 107Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W450Whalen63Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W300Wheat67, 72Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W460Wheeler8, 79Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W140Whipple18Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W326Whitaker120Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W300White91Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W355Whiteman120Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W320Whitihouse35Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W356Whitmore17Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W360Whitter52Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W340Whittley19Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W300Whitty46Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W600Wier4, 11, 17Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W422Wilcox1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 45, 54, 55, 58, Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W400Wiley9, 20, 41, 70, 84, 111, 112Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W452Williams4, 19, 31, 54, 69, 73, 121Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W452Williamson17Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W420Willis2, 5, 12, 18, 40, 69Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W421Willoughby111Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W425Wilson2, 6, 8, 10, 14, 20, 22, 24, 30, 31, 35, 36, 38, 41, 45, 46, 60, 62, 64, 70, 74, 76, 78, 83, 88, 90,Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W536Winder101Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W526Winger44Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W536Winter10, 39, 40, 48, 49, 54, 65, 68, 111, 113, 116, 124, 127Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W362Witherspoon59Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W360Witter22, 75Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W250Wixon75Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W300Wood1, 3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 18, 26, 29, 42, 43, 46, 75Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W300Woody66Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W350Wooten82Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W620Work3, 7, 15, 17, 18, 23, 32, 35, 36, 46, 49, 59, 72, 85, 101, 105Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W640Worley92Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W635Worthington59Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W623Wright4, 10, 18, 32, 58, 59, 64, 67, 71, 90, 100, 116Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W400Wylee86Abstracts of Bardolph News, Sep 1893-Sep 1912
W240Wagle224IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 31:4 (Winter 1999)
W426Walker224IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 31:4 (Winter 1999)
W436Walters224IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 31:4 (Winter 1999)
W524Wanzel224IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 31:4 (Winter 1999)
W650Warren224IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 31:4 (Winter 1999)
W350Whitten224IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 31:4 (Winter 1999)
W300White21830 Federal Census
W314Whitfield31830 Federal Census
W300Wiat31830 Federal Census
W425Wilson11830 Federal Census
W323Woodsides31830 Federal Census
W623Wrighta,2Larkin Cemetery
W460Wheeler5Pennington Cemetery (not Penn.Pt.)
W363Woodward1Pennington Cemetery (not Penn.Pt.)
W256Waggoner132Churches of McDonough County, IL
W240Wagle86Churches of McDonough County, IL
W256Wagner86,112,209Churches of McDonough County, IL
W256Wagoner86Churches of McDonough County, IL
W400Wahl60,229Churches of McDonough County, IL
W430Waldo122Churches of McDonough County, IL
W426Walker28,74,86,96,112,142,156,183,202,209,212,214,216,218,234Churches of McDonough County, IL
W400Wall214Churches of McDonough County, IL
W420Wallace24,109,152Churches of McDonough County, IL
W436Walters6,8,108,173,207Churches of McDonough County, IL
W435Walton31Churches of McDonough County, IL
W630Ward17,19,21,28,60,108,132,183,185,222,227,229Churches of McDonough County, IL
W656Warner42,74,108,110,146,206,233Churches of McDonough County, IL
W650Warren33,34,150,190Churches of McDonough County, IL
W620Warrick203Churches of McDonough County, IL
W216Washburn195Churches of McDonough County, IL
W240Wassell196Churches of McDonough County, IL
W362Waters152,207Churches of McDonough County, IL
W325Watkins139Churches of McDonough County, IL
W325Watson26,146,195,212,214,200,000Churches of McDonough County, IL
W300Watt150Churches of McDonough County, IL
W320Watts85Churches of McDonough County, IL
W000Way28,68Churches of McDonough County, IL
W550Wayman196Churches of McDonough County, IL
W320Weadge191Churches of McDonough County, IL
W600Wear3,13,62,100Churches of McDonough County, IL
W160Weaver112,173,235,Churches of McDonough County, IL
W100Webb11,102,122,123,143,200Churches of McDonough County, IL
W160Webber5Churches of McDonough County, IL
W160Weber123Churches of McDonough County, IL
W123Webster123,126Churches of McDonough County, IL
W352Weddington4Churches of McDonough County, IL
W300Weed171,191Churches of McDonough County, IL
W240Weekly60,227Churches of McDonough County, IL
W200Weeks198Churches of McDonough County, IL
W240Weigel187,236Churches of McDonough County, IL
W260Weiser43Churches of McDonough County, IL
W200Weiss43,196Churches of McDonough County, IL
W420Welch17,83,175,176,221,222Churches of McDonough County, IL
W420Wells4,45,46Churches of McDonough County, IL
W656Werner146Churches of McDonough County, IL
W230West157Churches of McDonough County, IL
W231Westfall156,157Churches of McDonough County, IL
W235Weston23,157Churches of McDonough County, IL
W236Westrate122Churches of McDonough County, IL
W324Wetzel186,203Churches of McDonough County, IL
W526Whanger21Churches of McDonough County, IL
W300Wheat8Churches of McDonough County, IL
W325Whitcomb150Churches of McDonough County, IL
W300White7,42,191,195Churches of McDonough County, IL
W356Whitemore146Churches of McDonough County, IL
W342Whitlock146Churches of McDonough County, IL
W355Whitman122,146Churches of McDonough County, IL
W356Whitmire121Churches of McDonough County, IL
W356Whittemore208,237Churches of McDonough County, IL
W350Whitten37Churches of McDonough County, IL
W352Whittington101Churches of McDonough County, IL
W600Wier237Churches of McDonough County, IL
W422Wilcox184Churches of McDonough County, IL
W436Wilder34,124Churches of McDonough County, IL
W420Wiles157Churches of McDonough County, IL
W400Wiley145Churches of McDonough County, IL
W425Wilkins186Churches of McDonough County, IL
W432Willetts196Churches of McDonough County, IL
W400Willey24Churches of McDonough County, IL
W452Williams54,83,115,143,176,182Churches of McDonough County, IL
W420Willis203Churches of McDonough County, IL
W423Willstead103Churches of McDonough County, IL
W452Wilmahauss44Churches of McDonough County, IL
W452Wilmasshans44Churches of McDonough County, IL
W425Wilson10,21,24,33,39,42,43,60,73,100,101,109,111,146,149,160,173,180,206,217,225Churches of McDonough County, IL
W435Wilton21Churches of McDonough County, IL
W523Wimset28Churches of McDonough County, IL
W530Window145Churches of McDonough County, IL
W532Windsor93,109Churches of McDonough County, IL
W526Winker185Churches of McDonough County, IL
W524Winkler182Churches of McDonough County, IL
W524Winslow122Churches of McDonough County, IL
W526Winsor93Churches of McDonough County, IL
W536Winter56Churches of McDonough County, IL
W255Wiseman44Churches of McDonough County, IL
W360Witter109Churches of McDonough County, IL
W523Wmsetta86Churches of McDonough County, IL
W414Wolfley196,198Churches of McDonough County, IL
W416Wolford20Churches of McDonough County, IL
W426Wolker94Churches of McDonough County, IL
W300Wood11,60,86,94,196,221,226,227,229,236Churches of McDonough County, IL
W361Woodruff42Churches of McDonough County, IL
W320Woods26,108,109,150,183,100,000,000,000Churches of McDonough County, IL
W363Woodworth191Churches of McDonough County, IL
W400Woolley43Churches of McDonough County, IL
W635Worden112Churches of McDonough County, IL
W643World191Churches of McDonough County, IL
W655Worman86,112,209,236Churches of McDonough County, IL
W640Worrell192Churches of McDonough County, IL
W635Wortman86,112,187Churches of McDonough County, IL
W653Wrentmore56Churches of McDonough County, IL
W623Wright18,49,108Churches of McDonough County, IL
W300Wyatt64,75,84,218Churches of McDonough County, IL
W210Wyckoff39,40Churches of McDonough County, IL
W500Wyne113Churches of McDonough County, IL
W426Walker16,17,29,32,33,34,35,36,38,40,41,42Rural Cemeteries - Vol 16
W436Walter26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 16
W436Walters16,21,23Rural Cemeteries - Vol 16
W656Warriner26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 16
W325Watkins27Rural Cemeteries - Vol 16
W100Webb4,9Rural Cemeteries - Vol 16
W231Westfall33Rural Cemeteries - Vol 16
W326Whitaker4Rural Cemeteries - Vol 16
W342Whittlesey16Rural Cemeteries - Vol 16
W452Williamson4,10Rural Cemeteries - Vol 16
W425Wilson16Rural Cemeteries - Vol 16
W410Wolfe33,42Rural Cemeteries - Vol 16
W635Worden27Rural Cemeteries - Vol 16
W426Walker10Rural Cemeteries - Vol 9
W420Wallace20Rural Cemeteries - Vol 9
W462WallersviiRural Cemeteries - Vol 9
W436Walters10,20Rural Cemeteries - Vol 9
W160Weaver10Rural Cemeteries - Vol 9
W300Weed10Rural Cemeteries - Vol 9
W420Welch6,11,20Rural Cemeteries - Vol 9
W425Wilsonv,3,11,20,21,22,25Rural Cemeteries - Vol 9
W320Woods1Rural Cemeteries - Vol 9
W620WorkviRural Cemeteries - Vol 9
W426Walkerix,viiiRural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W123Webstervi,6Rural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W420Welch15,18Rural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W316Whitford6Rural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W400Wiley6Rural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W452Williams8,15Rural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W423Willstead6Rural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W532Windsorviii,14Rural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W521Winship14Rural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W400Wolley8Rural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W320Woods8Rural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W400Wooley15Rural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W200WykeixRural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W400Wylie9Rural Cemeteries - Vol 11
W423Walcott7Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W630Ward16,25,27Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W250WassenvRural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W250Wassom8Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W460Wheeler24,25Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W326Whitaker14,16Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W300White16,25Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W452Williams16Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W425Wilson8,16,25Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W243Wisslead17,18Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W320Woods17Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W323Woodside9Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W635Worden8Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W640Worrell25,26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W623Wright17,26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 17
W426Walker89,93,94IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W450Wallin89IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W436Walters90IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W630Ward89IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W320Watts92IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W000Way92IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W453Wayland91IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W364Weatherlow92IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W420Welch90,93IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W234Westlake91IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W324Wetsel94IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W450Whalen92IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W460Wheeler91IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W342Whittlesey91IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W400Wiley90IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W452Williams89,94,96IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W452Williamson93,94IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W420Willis95IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W425Wilson89,91,94,95IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W532Windsor93IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W263Wishard95IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W263Wishered91IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W243Wisslead89IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W310Withaby90IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W300Wood94IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W320Woods94IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W300Woody93IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W400Wooley91IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W650Wren90IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W623Wright92,94IL State Geneal Soc Qrtrly 22:2 (Summer 1990)
W240WachuleJan-51Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W240WackeillJan-51Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W340WaddellR-9, 1-98Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W240WagleR-10Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W426WalkerR-14, R-1, 2-22, R-12, 1-34, 1-23, 1-35, R-13, 1-36, 2-33, 1-86, 2-34, 4-94, 2-56, 2-16, 4-41, 4-44,Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W455Wallman12-MarScotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W436Walters24-MarScotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W234Wasdell22-FebScotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W250Wasson3-23, 3-30Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W325Watson2-63, 2-72, 1-38, 1-69, 3-3, 2-40, R-12, 1-66, 1-63, R-9, 2-38, R-18, 1-39, 2-37, 2-34, 2-33Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W453Wayland2-49, 4-68, 1-15, 1-18, 2-15, 2-60Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W160WeaverR-9, 2-53, 1-62, R-20, 1-41Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W100Webb4-103Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W420WelchJan-83Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W420Wells4-25, 3-21, 1-9Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W622WerkaiserJan-98Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W622Werkheiser9-MarScotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W230West1-88, 2-62Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W364Weterhold10-AprScotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W364WetherholdR-11Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W450Whalen2-55, 3-14Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W450Whalon20-MarScotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W460Wheeler2-30, 2-45, 2-15, 2-44, 3-30Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W640Wherley20-MarScotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W300WhiteFeb-74Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W361WhiterbyCH-38Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W250WickhamR-4Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W422Wilcox1-36, 2-33Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W400Wiley14-JanScotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W400Willey1-11, 3-31Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W452Williams2-21, 2-54, R-8, 2-9, 2-58Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W400Willy29-AprScotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W425Wilson1-109, R-13, 2-13, 1-112, 4-107, R-14, 1-81, 1-12, 3-28, 3-3, 2-10, 2-68, 2-67, 1-109Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W500WineFeb-73Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W410WolfFeb-61Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W300WoodR-13, 1-47Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W320WoodsFeb-31Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W450Woolam1-115, 3-9, 1-98Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W635WortmanR-15Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W623Wright2-45, 1-63Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W624WrigleyApr-89Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W300WyattApr-40Scotland Township Cemeteries (Camp Creek, Craig, County Home)
W256Wagner40MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W231Wagstaff35MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W426Walker32MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W460Waller57,82MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W420Walsh54MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W300Watt67MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W320Watts67,68MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W600Wear54MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W100Webb89MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W123Webster29MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W420Wells65MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W420Welsh52MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W236Westervelt85MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W324Wetzel40,69MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W324Wetzell52,55MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W300Wheat77,85MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W300White40,49,52,55,65,66,74,85MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W400Wiley68MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W452Williams53MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W452Williamson69MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W420Willis48MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W425Wilson30,37,51,67,68,77MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W524Winslow33MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W536Winter68MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W360Witter74MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W410Wolf49MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W320Woods65MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W325Woodson69MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W450Woolam68,70MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W436Wooldridge65MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W400Wooley65MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W623Wright30,53MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXI (2000), No. 1-4
W260Wager83Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W416Walberg82Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W426Walker29,41,63,66,76,83,97,105,107Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W461Walraven90Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W436Walters53,81,85Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W630Ward18,63Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W656Warner70Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W650Warren35,100Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W652Warrington16Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W361Waterbury92Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W325Watson51,70,72,99Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W300Watt13Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W453Wayland28,70Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W160Weaver32,53Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W100Webb56,85Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W420Wells33,38,45,86,100Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W230West15,30,62,64,93Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W234Westlake104Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W300Wheat70Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W460Wheeler29,41,48,71,85,99Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W310Whitby24Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W300White32,48,86Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W355Whiteman69Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W352Whiting14Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W342Whitlock53,73Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W342Whittlesey97Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W252Wiggins35Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W445Wilhelm16,40,42,43,62,91,94,99,102,104Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W400Willey29,93,97Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W452Williams14,29,30,49,60,83,94Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W425Wilson1,3,8,10,15,17,19,27,30,31,34,36,37,38,39,41,43,46,49,50,52,53,54,55,56,60,62,64,66,67,73,74,75,78,7Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W532Windsor107Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W536Winter23,54,58Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W536Winters38,39,42,89Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W200Wise77Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W416Wohlfrom30Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W300Wood3,7,11,19,25,80,81,85,100,107Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W320Woods51Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W450Woolam80Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W640Worley90Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W623Wright71Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W624Wrigley79,82Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W300Wyatt25,30,98Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W210Wyckoff29,32,95Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W210Wycoff99Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 1
W340Waddel18Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W340Waddell48Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W300Wade39Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W256Wagner74,109,119Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W200Wake72Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W426Walker2,3,21,61,66,73,84,97,113,119,120,126Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W420Wallace75Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W414Walpole102Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W461Walraven92,94,98,100,101,106,120,126Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W436Walters52,109Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W435Walton6,116Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W514Wampler40Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W630Ward26,46,68,90Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W650Warren18,88,91,98,101Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W234Wasdell84Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W362Waters71,123,130Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W325Watson44,84,85Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W453Wayland18,73Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W520Waymack6,31Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W600Wear119Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W160Weaver10,20,93Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W100Webb22,91,116Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W352Wedding77Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W340Weddle5,113Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W340Wedell59Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W420Welch94Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W420Wells5,13,27,51,84,97Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W632Wertz16Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W230West41,51,62,63,79,122Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W231Westfall26Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W234Westlake101,129Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W350Wheadon24Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W460Wheeler29,78,82,114,125Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W640Wherley109Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W310Whitby119Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W300White31,82,92,97Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W355Whiteman8,17,43Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W352Whiting29,81Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W342Whitlock116Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W324Whitsell21Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W342Whittelsey1,74Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W416Wilbourne96Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W422Wilcox66Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W430Wild23Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W400Wiley12,55,117Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W445Wilhelm1,5,51,59,77,79Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W400Willey9,14,59,65,103,116,121,122,125,128Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W452Williams7,36,40,58,62,100,109Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W420Willis15Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W432Willits5Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W453Wilmot78Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W426Wilshire119Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W425Wilson5,7,8,14,20,22,25,26,27,28,29,33,37,40,41,43,47,51,54,55,58,60,61,70,73,74,80,82,85,91,92,96,106,108Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W512Winbigler94Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W524Winkle53Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W536Winters5,6,78,91,92,127Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W163Wipert90,91Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W236Wistrand89Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W640Woerly90,103Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W400Wohl125Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W361Woodruff128Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W320Woods6Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W363Woodward73,80Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W455Woolman61Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W655Worman107Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W650Wren83Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W623Wright20,23,65,82,83,116,128Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W624Wrigley39Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W362Wutterich115Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W210Wyckoff18Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W600Wyer70Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 4
W340WaddellCharles16Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerAbigal23Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerBenjamin23Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerCyrus9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerCyrus Esq.14Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerFlora9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerJ. G.1Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerJo. G.4Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerJohn25Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerJoseph M.9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerMaria9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerMaxamglia12Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerOrion25Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerP. H.5Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W426WalkerWm. H.7Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WallaceHenry27Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WallaceJames7Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W630WardClelon W.11Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W630WardHorace11Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W630WardJames S.11Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W630WardLevi A.11Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W630WardNathan11Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W630WardOscher F.11Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W630WardQuinton C.11Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W630WardSamuel11Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W650WarrenGeorge12Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W650WarrenJohn12Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W650WarrenSamuel B.27Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W362WatersLewis14Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W325WatsonDavid9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W325WatsonElizabeth9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W325WatsonJames9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W325WatsonJane9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W325WatsonJohn9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W325WatsonMargaret9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W325WatsonMariah9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W325WatsonWilliam9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W320WattsGarrett18Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W361WeatherfordCatherine12Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W100WebbEllen23Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W123WebsterElizabeth3Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WelchArdella R.5,9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WelchEbenezar18Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WelchGeorge W.5,10Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WelchJames R.10Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WelchJohn D.Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WelchMary D.5,9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WelchTheresa R.5Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WelchThomas18Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WelchThomas S.18Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WelchWilliam18Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WellsCharles B.20Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WellsJames15Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W534WendellPeter M. D.17Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W231WestfallBeverly R.24Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W231WestfallB. R.14Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W231WestfallCornelius24Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W231WestfallGrace A.24Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W231WestfallHarriett S.24Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W231WestfallLouisa M.24Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W231WestfallSarah24Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W231WestfallSarah Ann24Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WheelockEdward3Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WheelockHenry3Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W420WheelockJames3Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W342WhitlockAnn27Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W342WhitlockBurall27Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W342WhitlockCharles27Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W342WhitlockLewis27Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W342WhitlockHezekiah27Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W356WhitmoreNancy12Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W422WilcoxJane9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W422WilcoxLouisa9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W422WilcoxThomas9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W436WilderJames H.7Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W400WilleyAbsolom23Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W400WilleyCharles W.23Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W400WilleyGeorge23Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W400WilleyJohn23Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W400WilleySamuel23Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W400WilleyWilliam23Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W452WilliamsCatherine15Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonAnn27Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonCatherine10Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonEli5Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonElias10Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonJames10Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonJane5Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonJohn1,5Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonJohn Sr.5Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonJohn O. C.1,9Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonJonathan10Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonMargaret5Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonMartha1Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonMary Ann5Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonMelisa5Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonNancy10,27Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonPeter18Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonRuth1Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W425WilsonSamuel5Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W524WinkleHenrietta13Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W200WiseHenry14Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W416WolfordMahala2Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W300WoodAnna22Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W300WoodBeverly Checo22Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W300WoodDeucilla E.26Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W300WoodEdward22Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W300WoodIra12Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W300WoodJulia22Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W300WoodLydia22Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W300WoodMary22Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W300WoodSarah22Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W300WoodSilas22Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W300WoodVirginia Beverly22Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W320WoodsMrs.23Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W400WooleyJohn1Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W623WrightMartha18Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W623WrightWilliam B.25Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W500WyneJ. E.15Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W500WyneJ. W.25Abstracts of McDonough Co. Wills, Book 1, 1834-1857
W160WaborIllinois Marriage Index
W226WacasserIllinois Marriage Index
W340WaddellIllinois Marriage Index
W340WaddillIllinois Marriage Index
W340WaddleIllinois Marriage Index
W300WadeIllinois Marriage Index
W342WadleighIllinois Marriage Index
W160WaferIllinois Marriage Index
W255WagamanIllinois Marriage Index
W256WaggenerIllinois Marriage Index
W256WaggonerIllinois Marriage Index
W240WagleIllinois Marriage Index
W256WagnerIllinois Marriage Index
W256WagonerIllinois Marriage Index
W231WagstaffIllinois Marriage Index
W200WagyIllinois Marriage Index
W300WaidIllinois Marriage Index
W562WainrightIllinois Marriage Index
W300WaitIllinois Marriage Index
W214WakefieldIllinois Marriage Index
W240WakeleyIllinois Marriage Index
W255WakemanIllinois Marriage Index
W252WakinsIllinois Marriage Index
W423WalcottIllinois Marriage Index
W430WaldIllinois Marriage Index
W436WaldronIllinois Marriage Index
W420WalesIllinois Marriage Index
W425WalkeenIllinois Marriage Index
W426WalkerIllinois Marriage Index
W400WallIllinois Marriage Index
W420WallaceIllinois Marriage Index
W450WallenIllinois Marriage Index
W460WallerIllinois Marriage Index
W400WalleyIllinois Marriage Index
W420WallickIllinois Marriage Index
W450WallinIllinois Marriage Index
W452WallingIllinois Marriage Index
W452WallingfordIllinois Marriage Index
W420WallisIllinois Marriage Index
W420WalshIllinois Marriage Index
W423WalstonIllinois Marriage Index
W436WalterIllinois Marriage Index
W436WaltersIllinois Marriage Index
W436WaltherIllinois Marriage Index
W436WalthersIllinois Marriage Index
W435WaltmanIllinois Marriage Index
W435WaltonIllinois Marriage Index
W432WaltsIllinois Marriage Index
W520WamackIllinois Marriage Index
W520WammackIllinois Marriage Index
W514WamplerIllinois Marriage Index
W500WannIllinois Marriage Index
W532WantzeIllinois Marriage Index
W630WardIllinois Marriage Index
W636WarddripIllinois Marriage Index
W634WardellIllinois Marriage Index
W635WardenIllinois Marriage Index
W634WardlowIllinois Marriage Index
W636WardripIllinois Marriage Index
W600WareIllinois Marriage Index
W656WarinerIllinois Marriage Index
W652WarmackIllinois Marriage Index
W654WarmleyIllinois Marriage Index
W650WarneIllinois Marriage Index
W656WarnerIllinois Marriage Index
W652WarnockIllinois Marriage Index
W653WarntzIllinois Marriage Index
W650WarrenIllinois Marriage Index
W653WarrentzIllinois Marriage Index
W656WarrinerIllinois Marriage Index
W620WarwickIllinois Marriage Index
W216WashburnIllinois Marriage Index
W252WashingtonIllinois Marriage Index
W250WassonIllinois Marriage Index
W300WateIllinois Marriage Index
W362WatersIllinois Marriage Index
W325WatkinsIllinois Marriage Index
W362WatrousIllinois Marriage Index
W325WatsonIllinois Marriage Index
W320WattsIllinois Marriage Index
W200WaughIllinois Marriage Index
W234WaughtelIllinois Marriage Index
W000WayIllinois Marriage Index
W453WaylandIllinois Marriage Index
W520WaymackIllinois Marriage Index
W231WaystaffIllinois Marriage Index
W200WeageIllinois Marriage Index
W240WeakleyIllinois Marriage Index
W600WearIllinois Marriage Index
W653WearmouthIllinois Marriage Index
W361WeatherfordIllinois Marriage Index
W364WeatherlowIllinois Marriage Index
W160WeaverIllinois Marriage Index
W100WebbIllinois Marriage Index
W160WeberIllinois Marriage Index
W123WebesterIllinois Marriage Index
W165WebornIllinois Marriage Index
W123WebsterIllinois Marriage Index
W300WeedIllinois Marriage Index
W160WeeverIllinois Marriage Index
W550WehmanIllinois Marriage Index
W320WeidesIllinois Marriage Index
W600WeirIllinois Marriage Index
W636WeiratherIllinois Marriage Index
W416WelbornIllinois Marriage Index
W420WelchIllinois Marriage Index
W424WelchelIllinois Marriage Index
W424WelchellIllinois Marriage Index
W426WelkerIllinois Marriage Index
W452WellingIllinois Marriage Index
W420WellsIllinois Marriage Index
W420WelshIllinois Marriage Index
W536WentworthIllinois Marriage Index
W524WenzelIllinois Marriage Index
W524WenzellIllinois Marriage Index
W625WerkmanIllinois Marriage Index
W640WerleIllinois Marriage Index
W635WerthenIllinois Marriage Index
W632WertzIllinois Marriage Index
W255WesemanIllinois Marriage Index
W255WesemannIllinois Marriage Index
W230WestIllinois Marriage Index
W236WesterveltIllinois Marriage Index
W231WestfallIllinois Marriage Index
W232WestgateIllinois Marriage Index
W234WestlakeIllinois Marriage Index
W235WestonIllinois Marriage Index
W364WetherholdIllinois Marriage Index
W324WetselIllinois Marriage Index
W324WetsellIllinois Marriage Index
W352WettengelIllinois Marriage Index
W352WettingelIllinois Marriage Index
W324WetzelIllinois Marriage Index
W324WetzellIllinois Marriage Index
W450WhalanIllinois Marriage Index
W450WhalenIllinois Marriage Index
W450WhalinIllinois Marriage Index
W400WhalleyIllinois Marriage Index
W460WhealerIllinois Marriage Index
W300WheatIllinois Marriage Index
W350WheatonIllinois Marriage Index
W460WheelerIllinois Marriage Index
W424WhelchelIllinois Marriage Index
W424WhelchellIllinois Marriage Index
W640WherleyIllinois Marriage Index
W324WhetsellIllinois Marriage Index
W140WhippleIllinois Marriage Index
W250WhissinIllinois Marriage Index
W326WhitakerIllinois Marriage Index
W300WhiteIllinois Marriage Index
W330WhiteheadIllinois Marriage Index
W340WhitelyIllinois Marriage Index
W356WhitemoreIllinois Marriage Index
W350WhitenIllinois Marriage Index
W324WhitesellIllinois Marriage Index
W352WhitingIllinois Marriage Index
W340WhitleyIllinois Marriage Index
W342WhitlockIllinois Marriage Index
W355WhitmanIllinois Marriage Index
W356WhitmoreIllinois Marriage Index
W356WhitmorshousenIllinois Marriage Index
W350WhitneyIllinois Marriage Index
W324WhitselIllinois Marriage Index
W323WhitsitIllinois Marriage Index
W325WhitsonIllinois Marriage Index
W323WhitstoneIllinois Marriage Index
W360WhittearIllinois Marriage Index
W350WhittenIllinois Marriage Index
W351WhittenbergIllinois Marriage Index
W360WhittierIllinois Marriage Index
W352WhittingslowIllinois Marriage Index
W352WhittingtonIllinois Marriage Index
W342WhittleseyIllinois Marriage Index
W342WhittlesyIllinois Marriage Index
W340WhittleyIllinois Marriage Index
W363WhitworthIllinois Marriage Index
W630WiardIllinois Marriage Index
W200WicksIllinois Marriage Index
W310WidbyIllinois Marriage Index
W320WidickIllinois Marriage Index
W320WidussIllinois Marriage Index
W163WiebertIllinois Marriage Index
W460WielerIllinois Marriage Index
W600WierIllinois Marriage Index
W255WiesmanIllinois Marriage Index
W252WigginsIllinois Marriage Index
W253WigintonIllinois Marriage Index
W416WilburnIllinois Marriage Index
W422WilcoxIllinois Marriage Index
W436WilderIllinois Marriage Index
W435WildmanIllinois Marriage Index
W436WildrickIllinois Marriage Index
W455WilemanIllinois Marriage Index
W400WileyIllinois Marriage Index
W415WilfongIllinois Marriage Index
W445WilhelmIllinois Marriage Index
W445WilhelmsIllinois Marriage Index
W426WilkersonIllinois Marriage Index
W425WilkinIllinois Marriage Index
W425WilkinsIllinois Marriage Index
W425WilkinsonIllinois Marriage Index
W400WillIllinois Marriage Index
W463WillardIllinois Marriage Index
W422WillcossIllinois Marriage Index
W422WillcoxenIllinois Marriage Index
W422WillcoxonIllinois Marriage Index
W400WilleIllinois Marriage Index
W400WilleyIllinois Marriage Index
W415WillfongIllinois Marriage Index
W445WillhelmsIllinois Marriage Index
W413WillhoftIllinois Marriage Index
W450WilliamIllinois Marriage Index
W452WilliamsIllinois Marriage Index
W452WilliamsonIllinois Marriage Index
W452WilliamstonIllinois Marriage Index
W400WillieIllinois Marriage Index
W416WillifordIllinois Marriage Index
W420WillisIllinois Marriage Index
W425WillisonIllinois Marriage Index
W420WillockIllinois Marriage Index
W420WillsIllinois Marriage Index
W425WillsonIllinois Marriage Index
W423WillsteadIllinois Marriage Index
W425WilsonIllinois Marriage Index
W425WilsoonIllinois Marriage Index
W430WiltIllinois Marriage Index
W435WiltonIllinois Marriage Index
W552WinansIllinois Marriage Index
W524WinchellIllinois Marriage Index
W532WindgateIllinois Marriage Index
W530WindowIllinois Marriage Index
W532WindsorIllinois Marriage Index
W514WinfieldIllinois Marriage Index
W523WingateIllinois Marriage Index
W526WingerIllinois Marriage Index
W524WinglerIllinois Marriage Index
W524WinkleIllinois Marriage Index
W524WinklerIllinois Marriage Index
W552WinnansIllinois Marriage Index
W523WinsattIllinois Marriage Index
W521WinshipIllinois Marriage Index
W524WinslowIllinois Marriage Index
W536WinterIllinois Marriage Index
W536WintergaleIllinois Marriage Index
W536WintergillIllinois Marriage Index
W536WintersIllinois Marriage Index
W600WireIllinois Marriage Index
W235WisdomIllinois Marriage Index
W200WiseIllinois Marriage Index
W221WisecupIllinois Marriage Index
W263WishardIllinois Marriage Index
W263WisherdIllinois Marriage Index
W243WisleadIllinois Marriage Index
W246WislerIllinois Marriage Index
W256WisnerIllinois Marriage Index
W243WissleadIllinois Marriage Index
W246WisslerIllinois Marriage Index
W352WithamsIllinois Marriage Index
W364WitherlowIllinois Marriage Index
W362WitherspoonIllinois Marriage Index
W360WithrowIllinois Marriage Index
W356WitmershouseIllinois Marriage Index
W356WitmirshausIllinois Marriage Index
W356WittinerhausIllinois Marriage Index
W460WiuhlerIllinois Marriage Index
W250WixonIllinois Marriage Index
W640WoerlyIllinois Marriage Index
W255WogomonIllinois Marriage Index
W430WoldIllinois Marriage Index
W410WolfIllinois Marriage Index
W410WolfeIllinois Marriage Index
W410WolffIllinois Marriage Index
W416WolfordIllinois Marriage Index
W416WolvertonIllinois Marriage Index
W463WolworthIllinois Marriage Index
W300WoodIllinois Marriage Index
W363WoodardIllinois Marriage Index
W316WoodbridgeIllinois Marriage Index
W355WoodmanIllinois Marriage Index
W355WoodmanseeIllinois Marriage Index
W361WoodruffIllinois Marriage Index
W320WoodsIllinois Marriage Index
W323WoodsideIllinois Marriage Index
W323WoodsidesIllinois Marriage Index
W363WoodwardIllinois Marriage Index
W363WoodworthIllinois Marriage Index
W300WoodyIllinois Marriage Index
W450WoolemIllinois Marriage Index
W450WoolenIllinois Marriage Index
W416WooleverIllinois Marriage Index
W400WooleyIllinois Marriage Index
W410WoolfIllinois Marriage Index
W400WoolleyIllinois Marriage Index
W455WoollmanIllinois Marriage Index
W400WoollyIllinois Marriage Index
W455WoolmanIllinois Marriage Index
W456WoolnerIllinois Marriage Index
W460WoolreyIllinois Marriage Index
W420WoolseyIllinois Marriage Index
W416WoolvertonIllinois Marriage Index
W640WoorleyIllinois Marriage Index
W350WootenIllinois Marriage Index
W350WootonIllinois Marriage Index
W350WoottenIllinois Marriage Index
W350WoottonIllinois Marriage Index
W635WordenIllinois Marriage Index
W634WordleIllinois Marriage Index
W620WorkIllinois Marriage Index
W625WorkmanIllinois Marriage Index
W640WorleyIllinois Marriage Index
W655WormanIllinois Marriage Index
W651WormbyIllinois Marriage Index
W654WormleyIllinois Marriage Index
W654WormlyIllinois Marriage Index
W640WorrellIllinois Marriage Index
W625WorshamIllinois Marriage Index
W630WortIllinois Marriage Index
W635WorthingtonIllinois Marriage Index
W635WortmanIllinois Marriage Index
W650WrenIllinois Marriage Index
W623WrightIllinois Marriage Index
W624WrigleyIllinois Marriage Index
W300WyattIllinois Marriage Index
W165WybrantIllinois Marriage Index
W210WychoffIllinois Marriage Index
W210WyckoffIllinois Marriage Index
W210WycoffIllinois Marriage Index
W600WyerIllinois Marriage Index
W400WylieIllinois Marriage Index
W500WyneIllinois Marriage Index
W521WynkoopIllinois Marriage Index
W530WyntIllinois Marriage Index
W256Waggoner26,83Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W256Wagner9,90Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W214Wakefield81Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W426Walker66,94,100,104,108,111Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W400Wall56Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W461Walraven10,63,66,111Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W420Walsh83Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W436Walters74Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W160Waper2Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W630Ward23,24,79Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W620Wares91Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W614Warfield82Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W325Watson12,21,37,41,65,93,94Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W000Way71Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W453Wayland60,93Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W362Weatherwax97Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W100Webb23Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W516Weinberg73,98Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W420Welch34,94Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W420Wells19,95,109Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W430Welty6Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W530Wemouth20Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W632Wertz72Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W230West2Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W236Westerdale102Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W234Westlake99Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W236Westrate42,45,50,61,74Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W352Wettingel7Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W460Wheeler16,54,93,94,97,102Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W140Whipple81Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W310Whitby1Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W300White21,25,29,30,83,97Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W330Whitehead98Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W355Whiteman59Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W352Whiting5Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W342Whitlock65Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W355Whitman77Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W325Whitson27Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W326Whittaker81Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W351Whittenburg76Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W600Wier36Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W422Wilcox43Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W420Wiles17Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W400Wiley103Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W445Wilhelm4,7,9,13,23,27,32,34,36,66,73,86,90,94Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W400Willey9,19,22Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W452Williams3,4,15,63,78Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W456Wilmarth108Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W425Wilson8,10,14,20,22,28,30,34,35,36,39,43,49,55,58,60,61,62,63,64,66,68,69,72,74,79,94,95,101,102,108,109Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W526Winker2Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W536Winters40,108Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W236Wistrand95Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W300Witt30Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W410Wolf86,92Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W300Wood109Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W361Woodruff104Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W320Woods32,105Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W363Woodward78Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W400Woolley34Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W623Wright10,17,52,73,101,103,105Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W624Wrigley12,15,73Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W300Wyatt83Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W210Wyckoff25Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 2
W256WagnerIL Civil War Rosters
W256WagonerIL Civil War Rosters
W300WaidIL Civil War Rosters
W436WaldrickIL Civil War Rosters
W426WalkerIL Civil War Rosters
W436WalterIL Civil War Rosters
W656WarnerIL Civil War Rosters
W650WarrenIL Civil War Rosters
W362WatersIL Civil War Rosters
W320WattsIL Civil War Rosters
W453WaylandIL Civil War Rosters
W600WearIL Civil War Rosters
W160WeaverIL Civil War Rosters
W100WebbIL Civil War Rosters
W123WebsterIL Civil War Rosters
W360WeiderIL Civil War Rosters
W216WeisbrodIL Civil War Rosters
W426WelkerIL Civil War Rosters
W425WelkinsIL Civil War Rosters
W420WellsIL Civil War Rosters
W420WelshIL Civil War Rosters
W524WenklerIL Civil War Rosters
W230WestIL Civil War Rosters
W235WestonIL Civil War Rosters
W364WetherellIL Civil War Rosters
W364WetherholdIL Civil War Rosters
W324WetselIL Civil War Rosters
W460WheelerIL Civil War Rosters
W300WhiteIL Civil War Rosters
W330WhiteheadIL Civil War Rosters
W352WhitingIL Civil War Rosters
W360WhittierIL Civil War Rosters
W342WhittleseyIL Civil War Rosters
W342WhittlesyIL Civil War Rosters
W455WilemanIL Civil War Rosters
W445WilhelmIL Civil War Rosters
W445WilhelmsIL Civil War Rosters
W425WilkinsonIL Civil War Rosters
W463WillardIL Civil War Rosters
W452WilliamsIL Civil War Rosters
W420WillisIL Civil War Rosters
W425WilsonIL Civil War Rosters
W430WiltIL Civil War Rosters
W526WingerIL Civil War Rosters
W524WinslowIL Civil War Rosters
W360WithrowIL Civil War Rosters
W410WolfIL Civil War Rosters
W300WoodIL Civil War Rosters
W323WoodsideIL Civil War Rosters
W460WoolaryIL Civil War Rosters
W400WoolleyIL Civil War Rosters
W625WorkmanIL Civil War Rosters
W640WorleyIL Civil War Rosters
W635WorthingtonIL Civil War Rosters
W140WovleyIL Civil War Rosters
W623WrightIL Civil War Rosters
W300WyattIL Civil War Rosters
W210WyckoffIL Civil War Rosters
W550WymanIL Civil War Rosters
W256Wagner7,60,64,88,105,107,113Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W300Waid97Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W426Walker7,26,40,42,82,97,101,103,120,122,125Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W420Wallace125Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W436Walters12,120,123,127Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W630Ward22,91,99Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W634Wardell53Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W652Warrington118Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W362Waters94,116,127Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W325Watson2,21,45,70,106,122Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W200Waugh12,63Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W520Waymack97Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W600Wear41Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W160Weaver13,76Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W123Webster122Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W340Weddle126,130Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W460Weeler119Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W516Weinberg22Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W426Welker124Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W420Wells62,70,82,87Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W230West71,84,118,132Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W236Westerdale49,52Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W231Westfall38Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W234Westlake55Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W364Wetterling104Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W324Wetzel32,92,98,129Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W300Wheat70Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W460Wheeler10,19,35,55,57,64,72,92,94,97,115,121,122,123,124,128,129,132Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W460Wheller98Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W640Wherley90,106Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W300White1,10,26,35,38,45,60,107Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W320Whitehouse21Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W342Whitlock10,11,35,38,50,65Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W355Whitman57Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W356Whitmore37Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W352Whittenhosue36Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W240Wicall16Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W263Wicert21Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W263Wickert45Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W422Wilcoxen113Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W430Wilde81Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W445Wilhelm43,80,93,109,114,118,122,127,130,132Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W430Wilhite132Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W445Wilhlem121Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W425Wilkinson27Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W400Willey4,34,35,56,58,77,95,97,109,118,122,124Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W452Williams49,52,60,76Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W453Wilmot71,99Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W425Wilson7,8,15,20,21,22,25,27,29,31,36,38,45,48,50,53,55,56,59,60,62,65,68,69,73,74,78,88,89,92,95,100,101,1Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W525Winson104Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W536Winters60,102,112,115,121,100,000,000Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W163Wipert15,122Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W200Wise39Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W250Wishon18Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W236Wistrand49Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W400Wohl111Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W425Wolekner41Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W410Wolf107Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W416Wolford36Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W300Wood66Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W316Woodford40Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W361Woodruff74,90,91,93,95,113,120,121Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W320Woods30,101,110Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W363Woodworth16,94,111Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W450Woolam36Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W450Woolem35Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W416Woolverton36Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W635Worden29Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W625Workman71Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W623Wright16,68,72,74Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W624Wrigley38,46,58Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W362Wutterich104Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W300Wyatt117Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W210Wyckoff51Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 5
W340Waddell67Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W340Waddill25Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W256Waggoner69Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W240Wagle4Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W256Wagner5,89,115,120,127Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W200Wake80Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W416Walburn72Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W426Walker18,20,26,41,73,76,77,102,107,113,116,117,119,121,122,123,127Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W460Waller85Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W455Wallman62Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W436Walter54,128Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W436Walters21,112Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W630Ward10,37,100,115Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W653Warentz57Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W656Warner74Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W653Warntz39Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W650Warren10,60Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W652Warrington14,65,69,72,97,101Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W234Wasdell71Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W250Wasson38Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W362Waters23,65,102Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W325Watson27,39,71,77,81Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W320Watts50Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W453Wayland70Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W600Wear114Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W100Webb27,41,53,85Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W160Webber62,81Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W160Weber109Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W123Webster99Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W340Weddle128Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W465Weilerman44Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W516Weinberg4Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W600Weir69,112Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W420Welch50,56,67,99,114Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W416Wellever15Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W420Wells40,41,62,117Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W430Welty80Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W534Wendell113Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W656Werner90Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W230West5,111Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W236Westerhoff53Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W236Westerhold13Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W231Westfall7,23,73Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W234Westlake41Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W364Wetherhold28Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W352Wettengel64Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W352Wettengil32Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W324Wetzel68Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W450Whalen51,85Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W300Wheat64Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W460Wheeler11,25,42,43,61,70,85,115,117Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W420Wheelhouse34,82Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W325Whitcomb7,18,21,27,28,51,56,58,75,78,97,99,101Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W300White2,70,99,101,111,112Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W350Whitney41Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W324Whitsell42Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W350Whitten109Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W352Whittingham62Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W263Wickert9Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W340Widle99Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W422Wilcox19,52,88Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W400Wiley46Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W445Wilhelm4,8,31,35,67,73,85,103,104,115Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W425Wilkens52Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W400Willey1,23,37,49,65,78,85,86,107,113,125Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W450William26Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W452Williams7,16,62,85,105,106,118,122Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W452Williamson102,104Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W425Wilson4,7,8,15,19,23,29,30,34,35,36,43,49,53,61,63,64,75,77,82,85,98,103,106,108,112,114,115,116,117,119,1Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W524Winchell46,55Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W532Windsor57,101Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W520Winnies80Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W536Winter45,110Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W536Winters6,18,48,70,85,117Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W163Wipert19Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W240Wisely27Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W250Wishon115Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W220Wisshack128Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W236Wistrand100Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W300Witte111Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W250Wixom48Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W640Woerly82Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W410Wolf29,39,82,113,127Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W410Wolfe31Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W420Wolz28Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W300Wood48Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W316Woodford67Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W330Woodhead30Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W361Woodruff48,85Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W320Woods22,38,50Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W363Woodworth89,97,111Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W300Woody6Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W623Wright15,42,43,79,115Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W624Wrigley40,93Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W530Wyant51Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W300Wyatt26,77Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W210Wyckoff5,8Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 6
W256Wagner17,100,122Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W414Wahlfield32Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W426Walker22,27,29,45,49,79,98,115,124,129Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W460Waller40,76Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W400Walley120Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W420Wallick70Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W400Wally117,121Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W461Walraven108Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W436Walters24,45,50,65,118,123Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W560Waner6Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W630Ward40,82Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W600Ware97Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W653Warentz55Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W656Warner26,42Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W650Warren65Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W652Warrington86Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W240Wasell44Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W362Waters57,82,120Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W325Watson17,21,22,27,37,46,88Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W453Wayland67Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W520Waymack17,80,95Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W600Wear78Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W160Weaver6,30,72,88Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W100Webb2,9,13,18,19,21,22,24,25,26,31,33,36,69,71,74,88,94Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W340Weddle22,54,103Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W255Weighman16,36Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W600Weir84Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W420Welch51,84,128Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W416Welliver115Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W455Wellman63Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W420Wells1,5,27,36Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W420Welss36Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W534Wendling14Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W524Wenzel51Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W622Werkheiser58Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W200Wesche88Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W240Wesley27Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W230West6,22,24,25,28,34,35Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W236Westerdale66Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W236Westergreen58Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W236Westerhold46Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W236Westervelt52Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W231Westfall73Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W234Westlake128Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W324Wetzel40,41,60,97,102Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W100Weuve75Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W600Wharrie39Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W460Wheeler3,19,35,38,49,62,68,73,76,85,100,101,102,104,105,117,118,120,129Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W640Wherley41Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W325Whitcomb2,20,49Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W300White49,51,118Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W356Whitmore6Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W325Whitson16Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W240Wicall116Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W250Wickham74Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W200Wicks61Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W400Wiley56Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W445Wilhelm17,18,76,89,103,125Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W425Wilkinson48Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W400Willey24,25,34,56,63,68,79,83,84,85,100,101,117,118,120Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W452Williams10,24,26,28,35,40,54,57,66,68,76,88,96,109Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W400Willie60Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W453Wilmot31Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W425Wilson2,6,13,15,17,26,27,28,30,32,39,40,47,50,55,60,61,63,69,70,78,83,84,85,86,95,99,100,103,105,109,117,1Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W430Wilt47Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W500Wine43Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W521Wingbeck36Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W536Winter21,103Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W536Winters5,27,100,102,105,111,120Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W255Wiseman40,43Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W243Wisslead68Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W300Witte35Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W313Wittfoht85Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W530Wmith1Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W640Woerly23,51,108Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W220Woizeski73Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W415Wolfenbarger58Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W536Wonderly18Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W300Wood48,53,55Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W330Woodhead40Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W361Woodruff2,4,21,38,49,53,105Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W320Woods5,26,27,29Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W363Woodworth46,51,59Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W416Woolfer49Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W463Woolworth45Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W625Workman84Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W635Worthington1,84Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W623Wright18,36,41,62,63,66,74,75Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W624Wrigley5Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W240Wycall32Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W240Wycell58Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W400Wyllie73Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W550Wyman80Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W560Wymer16Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 7
W256Wagner78Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W256Wagoner35Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W143Wahfeld22Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W436Waldrop24Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W426Walker1,3,17,24,28,32,33,36,46,72,86,89,91,107,110,122Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W460Waller36,38,57,64,68,96,97,98,116Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W455Wallman91Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W461Walraven3,25,31,32,61,78,110Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W436Walters31,45,49,88Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W630Ward69Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W653Warents38Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W614Warfel64Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W656Warner95Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W650Warren66Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W652Warrington46,78Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W234Wasdell1Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W216Washburn23Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W362Waters31Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W325Watson1,24,60Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W453Wayland33,65,78Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W600Wear7Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W160Weaver58,95Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W100Webb1,2,40,48,52,107Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W140Webel6Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W160Weber87Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W123Webster32Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W516Weinberg23,34Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W420Welch10,43,47,69,91Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W426Welker8Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W420Wells6,7,87,93Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W230West9,13Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W236Westerfield49Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W236Westerhold45Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W234Westlake86,91Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W235Weston41,44Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W356Wetmore37,100,101Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W324Wetzel50,66,69,71Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W460Wheeler42,43,47,52,61,79,82,88,110,116Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W325Whitcomb44Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W300White25,28,35,38,50,99,111Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W330Whitehead67Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W350Whitney89Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W326Whittaker56Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W445Wilhelm1,4,13,15,33,34,44,52,58,63,83,92,108Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W400Willey18,20,21,41,45,46,77,79,80,91,94Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W452Williams24,41,50,57,69,92Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W452Williamson42Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W420Willis7,67Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W453Wilmot10Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W425Wilson2,5,8,13,15,19,21,23,25,27,28,32,33,34,35,37,43,51,55,57,58,59,76,77,78,79,80,89,92,93,97,99,107,115Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W532Windsor112Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W520Wingo94Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W523Winston27,115Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W536Winter42Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W536Winters6,56,80,88Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W200Wise16Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W243Wisslead95Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W350Witham29Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W300Witt37Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W410Wolfe44,82Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W300Wood1,19,74Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W361Woodruff57,59,80Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W320Woods6,9,48,103Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W363Woodworth42Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W400Woolley39Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W463Woolridge69Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W350Wootten30Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W654Wormley5Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W640Worrell110Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W623Worsdell50Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W635Worthington42Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W600Wray57Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W300Wyatt8Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W600Wyer35Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W400Wyllie76Grandma Flack's Scrapbook - Vol 8
W340Waddle13, 191840 Federal Census
W240Waggle61840 Federal Census
W256Waggoner171840 Federal Census
W426Walker2, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 241840 Federal Census
W520Wamack61840 Federal Census
W630Ward 22,231840 Federal Census
W600Ware141840 Federal Census
W650Warren10, 211840 Federal Census
W250Wassum221840 Federal Census
W325Watson31840 Federal Census
W453Wayland51840 Federal Census
W100Webb61840 Federal Census
W420Welch13, 201840 Federal Census
W420Wells191840 Federal Census
W235Westan151840 Federal Census
W231Westfall11840 Federal Census
W300White3, 12, 211840 Federal Census
W355Whiteman211840 Federal Census
W356Whitimore241840 Federal Census
W350Whitten101840 Federal Census
W352Whittington181840 Federal Census
W425Wilkins31840 Federal Census
W422Willcox181840 Federal Census
W420Willcx91840 Federal Census
W450William221840 Federal Census
W452Williams231840 Federal Census
W420Willis 10,241840 Federal Census
W400Willy71840 Federal Census
W425Wilson6, 10, 12, 16, 221840 Federal Census
W530Window141840 Federal Census
W532Windsum71840 Federal Census
W316Woodbridg231840 Federal Census
W320Woods3, 131840 Federal Census
W323Woodside2, 201840 Federal Census
W400Woolly3, 211840 Federal Census
W630Worth151840 Federal Census
W623Wright6, 8, 101840 Federal Census
W300Wyatt1, 3, 5, 121840 Federal Census
W500Wyne151840 Federal Census
W326Wadsworth41History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W426Walker38, 42, 43, 45, 55, 56, 57, 63, 64, 75, 78, 102, 105, 108, 109, 111, 112History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W630Ward37History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W656Warner69History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W650Warren66, 67History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W362Waters24, 48History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W325Watson55, 66, 69History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W364Weatherhold20History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W160Weaver34, 84, 85History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W100Webb103History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W426Welker12, 19History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W420Wells8, 17, 18, 25, 32, 40, 41, 78, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W230West79History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W231Westfall19, 34, 45, 46, 57, 58, 64, 84History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W236Westrate110History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W300Wheat60, 113History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W326Whitaker61History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W300White52, 68, 109History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W325Whitson77, 89History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W350Whitten80History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W300Whittey46History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W436Wilder66History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W430Wildey84History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W400Wiley66, 67, 69, 70History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W415Wilfond75, 105History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W452Williams18, 111History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W425WilsonIII, 13, 17, 24, 25, 33, 64, 67, 68, 76History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W362Withrows78, 101History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W410Wolf12, 25, 79, 80History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W323Woodside94, 95, 99History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W363Woodworth51History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W400Woolley66, 70History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W640Worrell51History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W624Wrigley69History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W300Wyatt98History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W500Wyne14, 20, 25, 58, 76, 103, 105, 109History & Reminiscences of Alex Holmes (Macomb)
W426Walker53Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W430Walty61,72Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W453Wayland61Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W600Wear47,51,55,56,59Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W123Webster52,55,71Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W420Welch14,15,30,35,54,60,65,66,71Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W420Wells60Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W352Wettengel55Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W324Wetzel60Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W450Whalen54Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W300White24,46,48,59Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W325Whitson55Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W452Williams37,49,50,60,61Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W425Wilson60,67,68Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W521Winship39Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W430Wold59,71Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W300Wood15Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W323Woodside35Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W400Wooley56Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W400Woolley8Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W623Wright33,34,54Multum in Parvo - History of Colchester
W426Walker7Rural Cemeteries - Vol 1
W461Walraven33Rural Cemeteries - Vol 1
W230West33Rural Cemeteries - Vol 1
W460Wheeler33,39Rural Cemeteries - Vol 1
W352Whiting33Rural Cemeteries - Vol 1
W445Wilhelm34,36,40,41,43,44,45Rural Cemeteries - Vol 1
W445Wilhelmsviii,43,44,45Rural Cemeteries - Vol 1
W425Wilkinson10,36Rural Cemeteries - Vol 1
W425Wilsonix,viii,7,8,9,16,20,34,35,36,40,41,44,45Rural Cemeteries - Vol 1
W632Wirts8Rural Cemeteries - Vol 1
W300Wyatt18,19,20,21,39Rural Cemeteries - Vol 1
W210Wyckoff8,33,34Rural Cemeteries - Vol 1
W300Wade26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W256Wagner22Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W426Walkerv,8,11,15,16,21,22,25Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W362Waters8Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W420Welch8,15Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W420Welsh12Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W231Westfallviii,8Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W361Wetherby26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W350Whitten8,9,15Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W400Wiley2,9,15Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W452Williams13Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W420Willisx,9,15Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W425Wilsonx,viii,9,11Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W524Winslow25Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W360Withrow12Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W363Woodworth9,15Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W634Wordell9Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W500Wyne9,16Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W520Wynes9Rural Cemeteries - Vol 10
W650Warren28Rural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W123Webster14,22,23Rural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W420Welchix,v,vi,8,13,14,18,19,28Rural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W424Welchell10Rural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W350WetteniuviRural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W424Whelchel15Rural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W300Whitevi,15,16,22,24Rural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W463Willard27Rural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W425Willson15Rural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W425Wilsonvii,ix,15,22Rural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W420Wlech27Rural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W300Wood15Rural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W320Woods15Rural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W623Wright22Rural Cemeteries - Vol 12
W436Walters13Rural Cemeteries - Vol 13
W420Welch13,17Rural Cemeteries - Vol 13
W420Welsh17Rural Cemeteries - Vol 13
W632Wertz13Rural Cemeteries - Vol 13
W450WhalenviiiRural Cemeteries - Vol 13
W450Whalin30Rural Cemeteries - Vol 13
W300Whiteix,vi,13,14,17,18,21,22,23,34Rural Cemeteries - Vol 13
W420Wilks14Rural Cemeteries - Vol 13
W452Williams14,17,24,25Rural Cemeteries - Vol 13
W425Wilson14Rural Cemeteries - Vol 13
W400Wolley14Rural Cemeteries - Vol 13
W400Woolley17Rural Cemeteries - Vol 13
W165Wybrant29,30,31Rural Cemeteries - Vol 13
W416Walford2Rural Cemeteries - Vol 18
W320Woods1Rural Cemeteries - Vol 18
W426Walker12,15,16,17,18Rural Cemeteries - Vol 2
W435Walton41Rural Cemeteries - Vol 2
W160Weaver32,34Rural Cemeteries - Vol 2
W420Wellsx,37,38Rural Cemeteries - Vol 2
W460Wheeler12,18,26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 2
W325Whitson20Rural Cemeteries - Vol 2
W422Wilcoxen41Rural Cemeteries - Vol 2
W400Willeyxiv,12,32,34,39,40,41Rural Cemeteries - Vol 2
W425Wilson18,21,23Rural Cemeteries - Vol 2
W520Wingo32Rural Cemeteries - Vol 2
W640Worley12,18Rural Cemeteries - Vol 2
W655Worman12Rural Cemeteries - Vol 2
W654WormleyxRural Cemeteries - Vol 2
W420Wallace40,41Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W430Walty35,37Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W630Ward27,43Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W652Warmact25Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W520Waymack18Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W600Wearvi,18,25,26,31,43Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W416Welborn18,19,29,31,43Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W324Wetzel35Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W460Wheller19Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W300Whitev,41Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W352Whittington39,40,41Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W600Wier19,39,43Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W400Willey19,43Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W452Williams19Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W425Wilson19,31,35,43Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W320Woods19Rural Cemeteries - Vol 3
W340Waddill7,9,14,23,30,31,32,33,34,35,36Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W426Walker7,10,14Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W320Watts23,32,36Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W600Wearix,20,23,40Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W100Webb7,8,33Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W424Whelchel32Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W300White9Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W100Wibby8Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W452Williams8,27Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W425Wilson12Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W530Window8,12,15Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W532Windsor21Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W536Winters23Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W320Woods8Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W363Woodward38Rural Cemeteries - Vol 4
W256Wagner23Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W463Walroath23Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W630Ward23Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W656Warner11,23,27,29Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W362Waters23,29Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W236Westergart24Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W234Westlake24Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W324Wetsel24,33Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W324Wetzel24,30Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W640Wherley24Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W400Wiley26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W445Wilhelm24Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W425Wilkins33,36Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W452Williams34Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W420Willis24Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W420Willock24Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W425Wilson24,33Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W163Wipert24Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W623Wright33Rural Cemeteries - Vol 8
W300Waid3, 71900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W426Walker9, 301900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W656Warner21900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W650Warren101900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W652Warrington51900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W325Watson29, 301900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W520Waymack111900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W100Webb121900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W231Westfall91900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W324Wetsell231900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W324Wetzel12, 241900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W416Wheelberger91900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W300White261900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W422Wilcox4, 9, 29, 331900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W400Wiley341900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W445Wilhelm31900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W452Williams21, 261900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W452Williamson231900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W420Willis14,32, 321900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W425Wilson5, 6, 311900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W536Winters32, 341900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W300Woody11900 Federal Census of Macomb Township
(includes Bardolph but NOT Macomb City)
W426Walker15Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W420Wallace16Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W652Warmack44Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W652Warmact22Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W453Waylandvi,28,41Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W520Waymack44Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W600Wear15,16,20,24Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W420Welch39Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W460Wheeler26,27,36Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W300Whiteviii,36Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W400Willy16Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W425Wilsonviii,8,16,17,20,24,25Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W410Wolfe16Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W363Woodworth36Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W652Wormack44Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W654Wormley42Rural Cemeteries - Vol 5
W340Waddell6Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W340Waddill31Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W240Wagle27Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W426Walkervii,vi,27,28,34,39,46,47,48,49Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W436Walters40Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W325Watsonvii,28,33,49Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W453Wayland28,49Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W160Weaver26,28,29Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W230West26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W364Wetherhold29,49,50Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W450Whalen38Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W250Wickham29Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W422Wilcox29Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W400Willey29Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W452Williams29,39Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W425Wilson29Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W300Wood29Rural Cemeteries - Vol 6
W256Wagnera17,24Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W426Walkera17,a6,13,16,25,44Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W630Warda17,a3,25Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W656Warnera17,44Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W362Watersa17,a2,25,44,45Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W325Watsona17,a10,a2,25,45Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W000Waya17Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W160Weavera17,25Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W420Welcha18,25Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W230Westa18,25Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W324Wetsela18,25,37Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W324Wetzel14,37,39Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W422Wilcoxa18,25,26,31,45,47Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W425Wilkinsa18,4,26,45Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W452Williamsa1,a11,a18,5,15,26,45Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W420Willis5Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W432Willitsa18,26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W425Wilsona18,26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W532Windsora18,26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W416Wolforda18,26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W316Woodforda18,26Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W320Woodsa12,a19,a18,17,26,27,30,32,40,42,45,46Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W400Wooleya19,27,33Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W400Woolley46Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W350Wootena16Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W350Woottena19,23,27Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W635Wortmana19,27,46Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W623Wrighta19,a13,9,27Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W624Wrigley46Rural Cemeteries - Vol 7
W436Walters34Rural Cemeteries - Vol 14
W630Ward34,35,37Rural Cemeteries - Vol 14
W250Wassom7Rural Cemeteries - Vol 14
W420Welch8,12Rural Cemeteries - Vol 14
W425Wilkinson8Rural Cemeteries - Vol 14
W452Williamsv,8,12,35,37Rural Cemeteries - Vol 14
W425Wilson1,35,37Rural Cemeteries - Vol 14
W300Wood35Rural Cemeteries - Vol 14
W323Woodside8,12,13Rural Cemeteries - Vol 14
W640Worley8Rural Cemeteries - Vol 14
W623Wrightv,8,10,35Rural Cemeteries - Vol 14
W426Walker1,20Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W650Warren14,28Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W325Watkins35Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W550Wayman23Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W600Wear49,50Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W300White2,43Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W350Whitten17Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W425Wilkinson24Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W420Willis22Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W425Wilson14,27Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W410Wolfe39Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W300Wood50Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W350Wooten19Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W640Worley35,43Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W350Wotten51Rural Cemeteries - Vol 15
W340Waddill221859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W300Wade421859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W326Wadsworth401859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W256Waggoner191859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W256Wagner281859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W300Waid5, 281859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W420Wales161859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W426Walker2, 5, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 381859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W436Walters251859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W432Waltz431859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W630Ward42, 431859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W613Warfit261859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W656Warner35, 431859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W653Warntz251859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W650Warren22, 35, 401859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W216Washburn351859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W362Waters141859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W325Watkins401859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W362Watrous401859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W325Watson161859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W300Watt111859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W320Watts401859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W000Way31859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W600Wear9, 111859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W653Wearmouth231859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W160Weaver351859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W100Webb22, 381859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W123Webster231859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W200Weeks361859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W416Welborn91859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W420Welch22, 25, 30, 331859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W460Weller321859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W524Wensel361859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W230West361859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W236Western141859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W231Westfall28, 351859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W234Westlake141859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W324Wetsel131859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W324Wetsill251859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W352Wettingell231859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W120Weubaugh231859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W450Whalen231859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W460Wheeler11, 25, 36, 421859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W424Whelchell221859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W234Whistler141859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W310Whitby111859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W300White22, 23, 30, 32, 351859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W330Whitehead231859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W352Whittington111859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W342Whittlesey381859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W324Widsland431859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W600Wier111859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W422Wilcox171859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W400Wiley281859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W400Willey91859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W445Willhelms51859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W452Williams8, 16, 22, 32, 35, 36, 431859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W452Williamson361859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W420Willis14, 16, 361859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W420Wills361859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W425Wilson3, 5, 9, 13, 14, 16, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 35, 431859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W423Wilsted231859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W430Wilt141859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W532Windship231859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W532Windsor231859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W523Winscott51859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W255Wiseman361859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W263Wishard351859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W410Wolf5, 91859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W463Wolroath131859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W300Wood13, 14, 17, 301859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W316Woodbridge421859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W320Woods13, 17, 381859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W323Woodside40, 421859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W400Wooley171859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W460Woollery401859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W400Woolley13, 23, 36, 401859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W463Woolridge171859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W625Workman401859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W654Wormley91859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W640Worrell431859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W623Wright2, 13, 17, 35, 42, 431859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W300Wyatt51859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W210Wyckoff361859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W550Wyman431859 Tax Lists for 93 School Districts in McDonough Co.
W400Wall61900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W436Walter481900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W630Ward8,43,481900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W656Warner281900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W325Watson361900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W100Webb24,341900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W420Welch40,441900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W420Welsh8,9,31,491900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W324Wetzel241900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W300White12,37,44,461900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W326Whittaker6,371900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W422Wilcox361900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W452Williams18,19,38,43,471900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W425Wilson15,23,33,42,431900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W320Woods71900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W460Woolery181900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W640Worley331900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W623Wright12,24,35,36,40,431900 Federal Census Blandinsville Township
W460Waller8,191900 Federal Census Emmet Township
W436Walter241900 Federal Census Emmet Township
W453Wayland141900 Federal Census Emmet Township
W123Webster8,10,231900 Federal Census Emmet Township
W420Welch91900 Federal Census Emmet Township
W231Westfall91900 Federal Census Emmet Township
W352Wettengale71900 Federal Census Emmet Township
W300White2,171900 Federal Census Emmet Township
W320Whitehouse81900 Federal Census Emmet Township
W425Wilkinson131900 Federal Census Emmet Township
W425Wilson1,8,9,13,171900 Federal Census Emmet Township
W263Wishard8,91900 Federal Census Emmet Township
W350Wooten71900 Federal Census Emmet Township
W240Wagle9,57MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W426Walker6,37,71MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W362Waters37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W325Watson71MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W600Wear55MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W123Webster56MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W420Welch37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W420Wells29,30MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W600Werry17MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W450Whalen44MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W300Wheat13MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W325Whitson12MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W422Wilcox9MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W400Wiley12MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W445Wilhelm3MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W452Williams13,44MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W425Wilson6,9,31,37,44,77MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W410Wolf71MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W300Wood33,56MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W320Woods55MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W323Woodside37MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W350Wooten71MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W300Wyat5MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XXII (2001), No. 1-4
W340Waddell69,79Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W340Waddill69Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W240Wagleiii,69,83Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W231Wagstaff69Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W214Wakefield69,79Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W426Walker26,69Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W421Walkup69Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W420Wallace69Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W460Waller70Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W400Walley70,83Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W436Walter70Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W430Walty70Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W630Ward83Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W635Wardner70Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W650Warne70,83Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W652Warrington70Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W320Watts70,83Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W000Way70,71,79Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W453Wayland71,79,83,120Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W520Waymack71,83,120Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W600Wear71,79,120Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W123Webster71,72,83,120Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W316Wedeberg72,120Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W420Welch34,64,72,83,120Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W430Weld75Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W420Wells72,120Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W530Wendt72Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W230West31,72Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W235Weston72Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W324Wetzel72,83,120Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W450Whalen72,120Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W400Whalley72Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W460Wheeler72,121Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W300Whiteii,7,15,70,73,121Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W330Whitehead73,121Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W324Whitesell73,79Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W324Whitsell121Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W350Whitten73,79,121Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W352Whittingslow73Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W600Wier33,120Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W200Wike73,121Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W452Williams73,74,79,83,121Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W453Wilmot74Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W425Wilsoniii,i,3,4,6,70,74,79,121Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W532Windsor74,121Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W521Winship29,30,74,122Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W263Wishard122Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W263Wisherd75Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W430Woldiii,75,122Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W410Wolf6Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W400Wooleyi,75,79Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W410Woolf75Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W400Woolley122Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W654Wormley75Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W623Wright75,122Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W624Wrigley75Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W400Wylie75,122Mt Auburn Cemetery, Colchester
W340WaddillEd Ray67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W340WaddillElva Frances67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W340WaddillFannie67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W340WaddillSeth K67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W340WaddillFred HA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W340WaddillRuth LA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W256WaggonerBeener, Harold J67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W256WaggonerWilliam H67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W256WaggonerWilliam W67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W214WakefieldJames67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W214WakefieldMinerva Ballou67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W426WalkerGrace Ethel67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W426WalkerJess C67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W426WalkerNola Jean67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W436WalterAmanda M67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W436WalterWilliam H67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W436WaltersEarl D67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W436WaltersRuby Pearl67Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W653WarentzClaude E68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W653WarentzJessie E68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W656WarnerAnna Campbell68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W656WarnerCharles E68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W656WarnerCharles Wesley68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W656WarnerDemcey68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W656WarnerEliza J68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W656WarnerJames68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W656WarnerLawrence68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W656WarnerRichard Dean68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W653WarntzElla G Webb68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W653WarntzFrank P68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W325WatsonHelen Meriwether68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W325WatsonMartha P68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W325WatsonWilliam68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W325WatsonJoseph GA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W320WattsMark L68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W320WattsMary L68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W361WeatherfordMary G68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W100WebbMary A68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W100WebbNellie May68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W100WebbQuint A68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W100WebbSilas A68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W200WeechJohn Glenn68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W200WeeksMaynard Jerry69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W356WeidnerDaughter69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchJohn68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchAdaline Daniel (Addie)68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchClara Hire68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchEmma68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchJames W68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchJames68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchMahala68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchMaude Nelson68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchNellie M68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchPermelia Elizabeth Jenkin68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchRuby James Haselwood68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchSamuel E68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchSusan E68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchTressler Hire68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelchWilliam P68Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshAlbert W69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshAlice Grigsby69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshBessie Garnet69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshCarolene69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshCharley Lucius69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshClara Risser69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshEhrman G69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshEliza J Younger69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshElizabeth (Bessie)69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshEmma P69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshEunice Ruebush69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshGeorge Wayne69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshJ Lyman69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshJohn W69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshLucius69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshMarion B69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshMartha A69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshMary E69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshPhoebe Ann Jones69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshSarah Jane69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshWilbur69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshWilliam A69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshE G JrA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshEmma RueA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshMax HA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WelshNellie CA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W230WestDaisy D69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W230WestHerman Frederick69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W231WestfallLucille E69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W231WestfallMills69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W326WhitakerDora E Welsh69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W326WhitakerGiles P69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WhiteElmer69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WhiteEmma Cleveland (Mrs Dolli69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WhiteJohnny69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WhiteLorene E69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WhiteLouie L69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WhiteMansel L69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WhiteVivian69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WhiteWillis M (Johnny)69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WhiteMary L69Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WhiteClyda GayA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WhitteyOra70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W360WhittierEmma May70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W352WhittingtonEliza A70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W352WhittingtonLaura J70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WilkeAlbert H70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WilkeKathalyn L70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W420WilkeVivian Estelle70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsCatherine70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsClara B70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsEthel Louise Blackhurst70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsEvan Luther70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsFay W70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsJames Monroe70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsLuke70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsMaud Ann70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsNancy C Bond70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsSusan70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsThomas H70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsTreva Elzoda70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsWilliam Thomas70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsW N70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsWake - Wakefield70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsMaxA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W452WilliamsSusan LeaA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonAdam C70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonAmy Jane70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonAndrew70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonAngelia Marie70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonArchibold Robert70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonBertha Keys70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonCarl70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonCharles A70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonClinton70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonElla England70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonIra70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonJessie Blanch70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonLaura A Murray70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonLeroy (Lee)70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonMargaret Huston70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonMary Elizabeth Argenbrigh70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonMary Etta70Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonMary L71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonMax G71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonC Newton71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonNora Lee71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonSarah Newburn71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonParish71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonWilliam H71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonFernA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonRussell EA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonLucelia W.A5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W425WilsonFrances LA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W243WissleadFrancis Elizabeth Hodges71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W243WissleadFrank71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W243WissleadGilman F71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W243WissleadHebble White71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W243WissleadJames71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W243WissleadJennie71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W243WissleadMary C Hauser71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W243WissleadViva71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W243WissleadLyman LA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W360WitherowSamuel P71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WoodBuford M71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WoodLaura Ellen71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W625WorkmanHenry71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W625WorkmanMary71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyEdward A71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyFrancis M71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyG A71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyGilbert71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyHarley L71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyJesse71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyMaggie R71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyMary Pearsley71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyMary, Child71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyMinerva Ellen Haselwood71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyRobert J71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyStella A Green71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleySusan M71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyThomas H71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyInfant71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorleyWillis E71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorrellAnalu TA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W640WorrellVictor RA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightAddie Metcalf71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightAnn71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightAnn C71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightCarl E Sr71Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightDorothy72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightEdward P72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightFrancis Conwell72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightFronia May72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightGlenn T72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightIsah72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightJohn72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightJulia A72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightKatherine G72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightLeroy S72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightLuanna E72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightNathan72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightOliver L72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightOscar Dennis72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightRandy Leroy72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightThomas R72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W623WrightWilliam H72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WyattBert L72Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W300WyattMadelineA5Glade City Cemetery - Blandinsville
W426Walker28,76Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerAbigail24Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerAbner25Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerBenjamin24Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerCatherine111Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerCynthia A75Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerCyrus75,104Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerCyrus A111,112Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerDr. James4Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerEliza111,112Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerElizabeth14,112,113,125Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerEmily S24Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerEsther112,125Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerFlora75Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerJames14,111,112,113Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerJane D25Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerJane S111Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerJ B111Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerJo G19Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerJohn111Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerJohn D29,47,111,112Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerJoseph112,125,126Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerLetty Jane112Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerLida112Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerLillian112Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerMaria C112,125,126Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerMariah94Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerMartha111,112Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerMartha W121Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerMary111Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerMary E25Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerMatilda111Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerMaude112Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerMrs. Nancy112Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerRebecca111Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerTelitha112,125Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WalkerWillis112,113Old Macomb Cemetery
W460WallerEmma E113Old Macomb Cemetery
W460WallerFrank113Old Macomb Cemetery
W460WallerGeorge W113Old Macomb Cemetery
W460WallerJames113Old Macomb Cemetery
W460WallerLizzie113Old Macomb Cemetery
W460WallerLora113Old Macomb Cemetery
W460WallerMary113Old Macomb Cemetery
W460WallerWalter113Old Macomb Cemetery
W460WallerWilliam Jasper113Old Macomb Cemetery
W630WardBeulah E8Old Macomb Cemetery
W630WardDalles E113Old Macomb Cemetery
W630WardEleanor E113Old Macomb Cemetery
W630WardGarnet113Old Macomb Cemetery
W630WardHarold F113Old Macomb Cemetery
W630WardJoseph37Old Macomb Cemetery
W630WardLois Maxinell13Old Macomb Cemetery
W630WardNathan1Old Macomb Cemetery
W630WardStanley A113Old Macomb Cemetery
W634WardellRobert114Old Macomb Cemetery
W362WatersCerry114Old Macomb Cemetery
W325WatsonCol64Old Macomb Cemetery
W160WeaverAndrew J114Old Macomb Cemetery
W160WeaverCaroline E114Old Macomb Cemetery
W160WeaverEdney E114Old Macomb Cemetery
W160WeaverJames114Old Macomb Cemetery
W160WeaverJohn W114Old Macomb Cemetery
W160WeaverJuliet G89Old Macomb Cemetery
W160WeaverSarah B114Old Macomb Cemetery
W160WeaverSimon114Old Macomb Cemetery
W160WeaverTaylor N114Old Macomb Cemetery
W160WeaverV H114Old Macomb Cemetery
W123WebsterMary68Old Macomb Cemetery
W123WebsterMrs. James45Old Macomb Cemetery
W123WebsterSusan101Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WelchJames87,114Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WelchSarah87,114Old Macomb Cemetery
W426WelkerEdney E114Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WelshEnoch F41Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WelshFrances41Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WelshSarah Ann41Old Macomb Cemetery
W230WestCatherine Jane87Old Macomb Cemetery
W230WestMary28Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallAbbie115Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallCalvin116Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallChas W115Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallColumbus116Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallColumbus L62,115Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallElizabeth115Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallEliza J62Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallGovenor115Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallIcemenda115Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallJohn W115Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallJosie115Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallLewise115Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallLizzie115Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallMary115Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallMary E15Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestfallShelton115,116Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestoverJanet2Old Macomb Cemetery
W231WestoverJohn2Old Macomb Cemetery
W300WhiteMrs. Charles123Old Macomb Cemetery
W352WhitmackRebecca89Old Macomb Cemetery
W325WhitsonFlorence80,117Old Macomb Cemetery
W350WhittenAnna107Old Macomb Cemetery
W350WhittenAunt Betsy107,119Old Macomb Cemetery
W350WhittenElizabeth107,116,117,119Old Macomb Cemetery
W350WhittenEmmaline116,117Old Macomb Cemetery
W350WhittenFlorence80Old Macomb Cemetery
W350WhittenHenry80,117Old Macomb Cemetery
W350WhittenJames C80Old Macomb Cemetery
W350WhittenJames P4,80,116,117Old Macomb Cemetery
W350WhittenJeremiah4,105,107,116,117,110Old Macomb Cemetery
W350WhittenMary J80,117Old Macomb Cemetery
W350WhittenWilliam W116,117Old Macomb Cemetery
W422WilcoxMrs. Flora49Old Macomb Cemetery
W400WileyAldrich C118Old Macomb Cemetery
W400WileyAngeline118Old Macomb Cemetery
W400WileyC Joseph4,92,118Old Macomb Cemetery
W400WileyEdith118Old Macomb Cemetery
W400WileyGeo118Old Macomb Cemetery
W400WileyJames118Old Macomb Cemetery
W400WileyJennie118Old Macomb Cemetery
W400WileyJohn A118Old Macomb Cemetery
W400WileyMariah118Old Macomb Cemetery
W400WileyMattie118Old Macomb Cemetery
W400WileyRebecca20Old Macomb Cemetery
W400WileyWilliam118Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WilkeyMrs. Anna101Old Macomb Cemetery
W452WilliamsChella77Old Macomb Cemetery
W452WilliamsIsadore7Old Macomb Cemetery
W452WilliamsMaude112Old Macomb Cemetery
W452WilliamsSam112Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WillisCaroline119,120Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WillisCynthia A119,120Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WillisEliza120Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WillisEmeline119,120Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WillisJames120Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WillisJohn C120Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WillisMartha95,107,119,124Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WillisMary95,119,120Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WillisNancy120Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WillisPatsy M107,119,120,124Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WillisPriscella120Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WillisSarah Ann120Old Macomb Cemetery
W420WillisWilliam95,107,119,120Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonAlexander23,121Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonAmelia F88Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonCintha/Cynthia23,121,122Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonEmily122Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonHester Ann73Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonJames121,122Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonJohn3Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonJohn S121,122Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonJoicey Ann92Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonJoseph23,121,122Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonJ P92Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonMargaret122Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonMartha23,121,122Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonMary53,121Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonRev William111Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonRosetta89,121Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonSarah89,121Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonThomas84Old Macomb Cemetery
W425WilsonWilliam121Old Macomb Cemetery
W526WinegarJane(Letty Jane)111,112Old Macomb Cemetery
W526WinegarRudolph111,112Old Macomb Cemetery
W360WithrowMrs. W. E.33Old Macomb Cemetery
W300WoodEdward7Old Macomb Cemetery
W300WoodGeorge122Old Macomb Cemetery
W300WoodMargaret110Old Macomb Cemetery
W300WoodMrs. Z. K.33Old Macomb Cemetery
W300WoodSalem7Old Macomb Cemetery
W300WoodSarah7Old Macomb Cemetery
W320WoodsSee Surname WoodOld Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthAlfred L123Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthAmanda123,124Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthAndrew123,124Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthA.R.123Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthCatherine I123,124Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthCharles119,123,124Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthD.123Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthHorace123,124Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthJohn Q. A.4,119,120,123,124Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthJohn W123,123Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthMamie123Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthMary123,124Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthNettie123,124Old Macomb Cemetery
W363Woodworth? O. V.124Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthPatsy Maria119,120,123,124Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthUlyssis123,124Old Macomb Cemetery
W363WoodworthWilliam123Old Macomb Cemetery
W500WyneB F125Old Macomb Cemetery
W500WyneChas W125,126Old Macomb Cemetery
W500WyneJoseph E59,125,126Old Macomb Cemetery
W500WyneMary Ann112,125Old Macomb Cemetery
W500WyneWillis C125Old Macomb Cemetery
W600WareClara J.21850 Mortality Schedule
W652WarmackA. J.11850 Mortality Schedule
W652WarmackOliver11850 Mortality Schedule
W100WebbSousan F.21850 Mortality Schedule
W420WelchSarah51850 Mortality Schedule
W242WicklesAnny31850 Mortality Schedule
W452WilliamsHenry41850 Mortality Schedule
W426WalkerJane1a1860 Mortality Schedule
W426WalkerMary111860 Mortality Schedule
W426WalkerMary91860 Mortality Schedule
W460WalrohJacob41860 Mortality Schedule
W325WatkinsJohn61860 Mortality Schedule
W420WelshElisha81860 Mortality Schedule
W460WheelerElisabeth121860 Mortality Schedule
W460WheelerMary J.121860 Mortality Schedule
W326WhitakerThomas1a1860 Mortality Schedule
W300WhiteArabella91860 Mortality Schedule
W250WichamBarbra121860 Mortality Schedule
W452WilliamsViola91860 Mortality Schedule
W425WillsonAmanda J.101860 Mortality Schedule
W425WillsonInfant51860 Mortality Schedule
W425WillsonJohn51860 Mortality Schedule
W425WillsonJohn P.101860 Mortality Schedule
W425WillsonMary M.101860 Mortality Schedule
W425WillsonMary R.101860 Mortality Schedule
W425WillsonSiuna51860 Mortality Schedule
W425WilsonNathaniel51860 Mortality Schedule
W410WolfAmanda121860 Mortality Schedule
W410WolfLaura121860 Mortality Schedule
W420WallaceSarah81870 Mortality Schedule
W630WardJames O.21870 Mortality Schedule
W216WashburnBetsey71870 Mortality Schedule
W325WatsonSusan91870 Mortality Schedule
W420WelchJames61870 Mortality Schedule
W420WelchRachel61870 Mortality Schedule
W420WellsAnna31870 Mortality Schedule
W460WheelerJoseph31870 Mortality Schedule
W352WhittingtonBeverly51870 Mortality Schedule
W352WidenseyEdward31870 Mortality Schedule
W452WilliamsEmma21870 Mortality Schedule
W452WilliamsSura121870 Mortality Schedule
W425WilsonJames21870 Mortality Schedule
W430WiltDaniel M.31870 Mortality Schedule
W521WinshipMary A.111870 Mortality Schedule
W320WoodsJames21870 Mortality Schedule
W320WoodsThomas21870 Mortality Schedule
W635WorthingtonWilliam11870 Mortality Schedule
W623WrightJohnson41870 Mortality Schedule
W300WadeMarinda161880 Mortality Schedule
W426WalkerMary F.81880 Mortality Schedule
W426WalkerReuben71880 Mortality Schedule
W320WattsMary91880 Mortality Schedule
W200WeeksMary A.41880 Mortality Schedule
W234WestlakeHenry121880 Mortality Schedule
W460WheelerInfant161880 Mortality Schedule
W460WheelerRachael71880 Mortality Schedule
W250WhissenHorace H.81880 Mortality Schedule
W300WhiteNinton11880 Mortality Schedule
W352WhitingElis61880 Mortality Schedule
W350WhittenWilliam W.71880 Mortality Schedule
W352WhittingslowSusan131880 Mortality Schedule
W420WilesB. N.71880 Mortality Schedule
W452WilliamsElizabeth51880 Mortality Schedule
W452WilliamsRichard131880 Mortality Schedule
W420WillisHarvey91880 Mortality Schedule
W425Wilson31880 Mortality Schedule
W425WilsonJohn O. C.81880 Mortality Schedule
W425WilsonLeslie151880 Mortality Schedule
W320WoodsSalem51880 Mortality Schedule
W635WordenGidion11880 Mortality Schedule
W623WrightHary121880 Mortality Schedule
W300Wade160St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W426Walker110St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W420Walsh167,172St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W436Walter111,173St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W436Walterssee WalterSt Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W630Ward123,132,163,173St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W634Wardell178St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W635Wardenburg126St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W656Warner148St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W650Warren5,174St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W362Waters111St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W520Waymack38St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W160Weaber80,165St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W160Weaver173St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W160Webersee WeaberSt Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W123Webster10,20,174,187,188St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W240Weekly180St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W200Weeks20St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W455Weileman85St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W560Weimer22St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W163Weipert70St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W200Weise183St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W420Welch2,66,175St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W420Wells13,75,139,175St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W230West22,192St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W236Westerhold2St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W231Westhoff68St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W234Westlake100St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W400Wewel56St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W450Whalen14,19,30,38,43,51,62,73,76,86,87, 88,96,101,108,118,122,130, 142,152,168,169,175,176, 177,178,179,18St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W450Whalin179,180,181St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W460Wheeler22St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W450Whelan181St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W600Wherry68St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W300White68,133,150,181St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W453Wieland153St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W422Wilcox98St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W430Wilde38,181,182St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W400Wille38,182St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W430Willett66St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W400Willey55,122St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W452Williams19,20,63,89,182,183,184St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W452Williamson117,139St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W420Willis153,184St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W425Wilson5,11,31,66,82St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W532Windsor101,185St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W530Windt149St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W536Winter68St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W243Wisslead105,185St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W640Woerly10,15,48,134,162,167,185,186,187,188St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W412Wolfsberger98St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W320Woods105St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W654Wormley20St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W623Wright188St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W165Wybrant136,138,188St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W521Wynkoop51St Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Macomb
W426WalkerLettie (Mrs.)6:167Corda Taylor Obituary Albums
W436WaltersCharles Edgar2:1Corda Taylor Obituary Albums
W325WatsonBertha Ann (Irwin)6:162Corda Taylor Obituary Albums
W425WilsonFrances May (Morrow)6:102Corda Taylor Obituary Albums
W425WilsonGoldie (Copeland)3:70Corda Taylor Obituary Albums
W425WilsonJennie (Schooley-DeWitt)2:88Corda Taylor Obituary Albums
W320WoodsEdwin L.6:102Corda Taylor Obituary Albums
W436Walters11900 Federal Census Eldorado Township
W432Weltzel201900 Federal Census Eldorado Township
W460Wheeler81900 Federal Census Eldorado Township
W445Wilhelm71900 Federal Census Eldorado Township
W420Willock211900 Federal Census Eldorado Township
W425Wilson211900 Federal Census Eldorado Township
W200Wise231900 Federal Census Eldorado Township
W363Woodworth231900 Federal Census Eldorado Township
W436Walters141900 Federal Census Hire Township
W600Wear41900 Federal Census Hire Township
W300Weed131900 Federal Census Hire Township
W420Welch8, 9, 10, 181900 Federal Census Hire Township
W420Wells281900 Federal Census Hire Township
W420Welsh191900 Federal Census Hire Township
W424Whelchel91900 Federal Census Hire Township
W300White2, 13, 14, 20, 24, 261900 Federal Census Hire Township
W324Whitsell181900 Federal Census Hire Township
W200Wike191900 Federal Census Hire Township
W452Williams12, 17, 24, 251900 Federal Census Hire Township
W452Williamson171900 Federal Census Hire Township
W416Williford131900 Federal Census Hire Township
W425Wilson19, 231900 Federal Census Hire Township
W323Woodside141900 Federal Census Hire Township
W640Worrell291900 Federal Census Hire Township
W340Waddill261900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W436Walters29, 30, 311900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W656Warner51900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W362Waters1, 271900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W600We_er201900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W160Weaver241900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W420Welch1, 10, 241900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W426Welker321900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W234Westlake21, 271900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W234Westlane301900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W324Wetsel61900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W324Wetzel341900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W460Wheeler201900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W363Whitterdun161900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W422Wilcox261900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W425Wilkins71900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W452Williams161900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W425Wilson3, 15, 18, 19, 21, 221900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W430Wilt10, 231900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W246Wissler33, 341900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W320Woods13, 251900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W623Wright6, 171900 Federal Census New Salem Township
W340WaddellCHARLES RIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340WaddellCLARANCE EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340WaddellGOLDIE MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340WaddellIDA JENKINSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340WaddellVEYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340WaddillBENJAMINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340WaddillCHARLES WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340WaddillELIZAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340WaddillFANNIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340WaddillFANNIE NIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340WaddillIDAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340WaddillJAMES MILTONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340WaddillJOHNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340WaddillJOHNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WadeDELLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WadeIDA MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WadePETER BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WadeROMA JRIllinois Statewide Death Index
W256WaggonerCORA HARRISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W256WaggonerHARRY MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W256WaggonerJACKIE LEEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W240WagleARCH AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W240WagleLEWIS FRANKLINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W240WagleTHOS HENRYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W256WagnerAMMON THEODOREIllinois Statewide Death Index
W256WagnerELMER LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W256WagnerGEORGE ROYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W256WagnerGRACE EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W256WagnerLEO JOSEPHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W256WagnerMARY RUTHEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W256WagnerVIRGENE ELLALOUISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W256WagonerHILDRED PIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WaitMARK LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W214WakefieldDELLA MAYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W214WakefieldELIZA SIllinois Statewide Death Index
W214WakefieldGEORGEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W214WakefieldJAMES EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W245WakelandRICHARD STEPHENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WalkAUGUSTUSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerBENJAMIN FIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerBRAINARD DIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerBURTON ARTHURIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerCALEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerCHARLES BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerDANIEL LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerELEANORIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerELLENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerEMMA CHLORINDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerEMMA VIOLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerFELIX GUYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerGEOIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerGRIERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerHENRY BOYDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerISABELLIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerJOSEPH ANDREWIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerJOSEPH WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerLENAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerLOUELLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerLYDIA FRANCESIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerMARGARET AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerMARGARET JOSEPHINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerMARGARET MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerMARY JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerMARY LUCINDAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerMYRTLEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerSARAH FRANCESIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerSPENCER AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W426WalkerTHEOPHILUS GILMERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WallaceCHARLES EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WallaceJOHN EDMONDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WallaceNETTIE MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WallerANN CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WallerBEULAHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WallerFRANK EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WallerJAMES TIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WallerJOHN THOMASIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WallerW &Illinois Statewide Death Index
W400WalleyROSAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WallickSAMUEL JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WallingfordMAEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WallisSELINAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W455WallmanAGNESIllinois Statewide Death Index
W455WallmanTILLIE ELLENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W450WallonJ ELSIE &Illinois Statewide Death Index
W461WalrovenH ROSA &Illinois Statewide Death Index
W461WalrovenROSIE ROEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W435WaltenHOWARD REXIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WalterAMANDA MELVINAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersALICEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersCANNAH JONESIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersCYNTHIAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersDAVID ALLENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersEARL AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersELIZABETIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersE MARIE &Illinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersERMA LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersGEORGE HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersINFANTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersJAMES OTISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersJESSIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersJOHNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersLLOYD FORRESTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersMARTHA JANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersMARY EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersMARY ELIZABETHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersMARY IDAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersMARY JANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersMORTIMER CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersNELLIE BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersPETER HENRYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersSADIE ELIZABETHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersSADIE ELZABETHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersSARAH EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersVIRGILIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersWALTERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WaltersWILLIAM HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WalthersLYDEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WalthersTHOMAS HENRYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WalthersWILLIAM HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W435WaltmanMARIAH JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W435WaltmanWILLIARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W435WaltonADELAIDE LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W435WaltonDAVIDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W435WaltonDELANAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W435WaltonEMILY IIllinois Statewide Death Index
W435WaltonEZRAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W435WaltonGEOIllinois Statewide Death Index
W435WaltonWALETA BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W435WaltonWILLIAM CYRUSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W430WaltyALBERT MEADIllinois Statewide Death Index
W430WaltyMYRA EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W430WaltyNAOMI OTILLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W432WaltzRICHARD ARTHURIllinois Statewide Death Index
W530WantWALTER SIDNEYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WardAURA AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WardCECILIA KATHERINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WardD GARNET &Illinois Statewide Death Index
W630WardESTERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WardFREEMANIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WardGLENNA JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WardHERBERTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WardMARION ANDERSONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WardMARYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WardMINNIE EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WardROBERTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WardSUSANNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W634WardellFRED BURTONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W634WardellJUDITHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W634WardellSAMUEL WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W635WardenFRANCIS WILLIAMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W634WardlowFRED WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W653WarentzCLAUDEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W653WarentzJESSIE EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W614WarfelFRANK BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W650WarneELIZABETH JANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W650WarneERNEST MARTINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W650WarneMARTINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W656WarnerANNA CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W656WarnerBEATRICEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W656WarnerCHAS EDWARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W656WarnerGEORGE MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W656WarnerHELEN LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W656WarnerJACOB CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W656WarnerMARYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W656WarnerNATHANIE BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W653WarntzFRANK PIllinois Statewide Death Index
W653WarntzSARAH LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W653WarrantzELIZABETHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W650WarrenDALLAS MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W650WarrenDWIGHT FIllinois Statewide Death Index
W650WarrenOTIS BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W652WarringtonJOHN EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W652WarringtonNEVOIllinois Statewide Death Index
W252WashingtonMARYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W252WashingtonNINA JONESIllinois Statewide Death Index
W362WatersBERTHA IIllinois Statewide Death Index
W362WatersCELESTIAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W362WatersDALE EUGENEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W362WatersEDWARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W362WatersEDWARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W362WatersGEORGE HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W362WatersGEORGEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W362WatersHAROLD GIllinois Statewide Death Index
W362WatersLYDIA LOISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W362WatersOLIVE LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonANNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonBEVERLY JANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonCATHERINE IIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonDONALD LEROYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonDUGAL AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonELIZABETH AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonEMMA JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonEUPHEMIA INNESIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonFANNIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonGLENN JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonHUGH WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonJOHN FIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonJOHN HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonJOHNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonJOHN WILLIAMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonLOUELLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonLOUISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonMARGARETIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonMARGARET MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonMARIA CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonROLLO CARLIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonRUTH MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonSADIE VIOLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonSARAH AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonSARAH ANNEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonTHOMAS JEFFERSONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonTHOMASIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WatsonWILLIAM DAVIDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WattVIOLA BLANCHEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WattsBENJAMIN CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WattsEMMA IIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WattsLAWRENCE JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WattsMARVINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WattsROBERT NIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WattsTABITHA ANNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W000WayCLARENCE OIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandANNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandCALVINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandD HELEN &Illinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandD HELEN &Illinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandEDITH MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandELIZAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandEMMAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandEMORYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandERWINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandEVA MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandISABELLEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandJAMES ADAMSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandJAMES WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandJED MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandJOHN WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandJUNIORIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandMYRTLE CLARKIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandROSIE BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandSARAH LOUIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WaylandWILLIAM JOELIllinois Statewide Death Index
W520WaymackBUCKNERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W520WaymackCHAS GIllinois Statewide Death Index
W520WaymackDOLLIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W520WaymackELIZABETHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W520WaymackJERE DIllinois Statewide Death Index
W520WaymackJOHN LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W520WaymackLEMUEL WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W520WaymackMYRTLE LUCILEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W520WaymockDOLLIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W160WeaberFLORENCE ELVIRAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W160WeaberJOSEPH AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W600WearHUGH ELDRIDGEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W600WearISAAC NEWTONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W600WearJAMES MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W600WearJOSEPH MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W600WearMALACHI DOWNSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W600WearMARY BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W600WearMARY LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W600WearPOLLYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W600WearREGINA JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W600WearROLLANDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W364WeatherholdALFRED PIllinois Statewide Death Index
W362WeathersHYACINTH GIllinois Statewide Death Index
W160WeaverCYRUSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W160WeaverELIZABETH JANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W160WeaverJESSEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W160WeaverLUCINDAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W160WeaverMARY CATHERINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W160WeaverULYSSES GIllinois Statewide Death Index
W100WebbBRENDA JOYCEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W100WebbCARRIE MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W100WebbCLARENCE ARMOURIllinois Statewide Death Index
W100WebbJAMESIllinois Statewide Death Index
W100WebbLILLIAN MAEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W100WebbMARY ANNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W100WebbMARY DECKERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W100WebbMOLLIE MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W100WebbNELLIE MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W100WebbQUINTON AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W100WebbSHANNON LOUISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W100WebbTHOMAS IIllinois Statewide Death Index
W160WeberALPHONSO FIllinois Statewide Death Index
W160WeberELMA VIllinois Statewide Death Index
W160WeberFRED WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W160WeberGRACEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W160WeberSARAH LOUELLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W123WebesterHARRIETT ANNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W123WebsterALICEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W123WebsterBERTHA ZORAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W123WebsterBUDDY RICHARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W123WebsterERMINE VIllinois Statewide Death Index
W123WebsterLEWIS ZIllinois Statewide Death Index
W123WebsterMAGGIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W123WebsterMARTHAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W123WebsterMARY BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W123WebsterORVAL EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W123WebsterPHILIP ZIllinois Statewide Death Index
W123WebsterSAMUEL EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W123WebsterWILLIAMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W260WegerEUGENEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W260WegerGOLDIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W230WeightJAMES ALBERTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W516WeinbergANNA BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W600WeirELLEN EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W636WeiratherANNA LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W636WeiratherHERMANIllinois Statewide Death Index
W260WeiserMARTIN LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchALMIRA HELENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchAMANDA EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchAMERTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchARTHUR LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchCHAS WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchCLEVE CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchCLOSA HIREIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchDAVID SEYBOLDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchELIZABETHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchEMMA JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchEMMA REECEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchFLORA BELLEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchGAYELLA BELLEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchGEORGE JOSEPHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchGEORGE WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchGUY FREDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchGWENDLYN &Illinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchHAZELLEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchHEUBERT RIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchIVAN GIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchJAMES WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchJANE EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchJOHN DUANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchJOHN FIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchJOSEPH RIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchJOSIAHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchKEITH LEROYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchMARY EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchMARY ELIZAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchMICHAEL JOHNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelchWILLIAM JEFFERSONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W424WelchelIVAN EDWARDSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W445WellhelmHELLEN LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsAARONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsALICE CATHERINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsCLARA ELLENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsDARRELIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsDAVIDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsGEORGE MULFORDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsHARRIET EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsIRAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsJOHN RAUSELARIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsLENAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsMANUS VIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsMARY CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsMARY EVELYNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsNANCY ELLENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsOTISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsPERNECY JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsSARAH EDNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsSYLVESTERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WellsWILLIAM WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshALBERT WILLARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshALICE MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshBESSIE GIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshCHARLEY LUCIUSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshDELOSS LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshDORAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshELIZABETH MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshELIZA JANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshHENRY BYRONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshJOHN N LAMBIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshJOHN WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshLUCIUS AGUSTUSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshMARION BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshMARTHA ANNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshPHOEBE AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshROSA BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WelshWILBUR WILLISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W430WeltyFRED MILTONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W536WendorffANNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W656WernerEDWARD HARVEYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W632WertzlerLYDIA DIllinois Statewide Death Index
W243WessleadHEBBLEWHITIllinois Statewide Death Index
W230WestCARROLL LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W230WestCATHARINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W230WestCHARLESIllinois Statewide Death Index
W230WestEARL FIllinois Statewide Death Index
W230WestHAZELIllinois Statewide Death Index
W230WestOLOFIllinois Statewide Death Index
W230WestWILLIAMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W230WestWILSON MICHAELIllinois Statewide Death Index
W235WesteneltMARIAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W236WesterdaleJOYCE PATRICIAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W236WesterveltMARYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W236WesterveltWILBUR DIllinois Statewide Death Index
W231WestfallBEVERLY RANDOLPHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W231WestfallFRANK KIllinois Statewide Death Index
W231WestfallJOSIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W231WestfallMARY ANNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W231WestfallMINNIE ARABELLEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W231WestfallREBECCAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W231WestfallWILLIAM LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W234WestlakeCARL MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W234WestlakeHARRIETTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W234WestlakeHARRY RIllinois Statewide Death Index
W234WestlakeJOHN THEADOREIllinois Statewide Death Index
W234WestlakeKENNETH DIllinois Statewide Death Index
W234WestlakeLENA BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W234WestlakeMILTON AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W234WestlakePAMELA SIllinois Statewide Death Index
W234WestlakeROYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W235WestonJACOB LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W361WetherbeeMINNIE SHORTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W364WetherholdANNA EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W364WetherholdMARTHAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetselCHRISTOPHRIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetselHARRIETIllinois Statewide Death Index
W352WettengelFLORENCE VIRGINIAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W352WettengelIRMA AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W352WettengelIRMA AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W352WettengelJOHN CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelDONALD WAYNEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelELIZABETHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelELIZABETHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelGEORGE WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelGRAMILLE LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelHULDAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelIRAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelIRVIN GIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelMAY MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelMINNIE MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelORINDOIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelSARAH CATHRINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelSARILDA AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WetzelWILLIAM FREDRICKIllinois Statewide Death Index
W450WhalenDANIEL LAVERNEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W450WhalenFRANCISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W450WhalenJAMES FERGUSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W450WhalenNELLIE CATHERINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W450WhalenSARAH CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W450WhalenTHOMAS PATRICKIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WhaleyMARTHAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W450WhalinELLENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WheatJAMES HENRYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WheatLAURAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerADDISONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerAMBROSEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerANNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerBENJAMIN FRANKLINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerBLANCH GENEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerCHARLES WILLIAMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerCLAUDE FIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerELLENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerELLZIE NORWOODIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerELMER SIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerERNESTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerFLORENCE BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerFRANK DUNTLEYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerFRANK GIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerHARVEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerHARVEY ELLSWORTHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerHAZEL BEATRICEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerHELEN MABELIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerHOPSON LILEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerJOHN EDWARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerJOHN HERBERTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerJOHN HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerJUNIOR LESTER JRIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerLEWIS GORDONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerLILLIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerLOTTIE RIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerMAGGIE JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerMARTHA BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerMARTHA MOSSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerMARY CATHERINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerMARY JANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerPARIS BRADFORDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerRENNIE LYNNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerROSE MARIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerSERENA EMALINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerTHOMAS HUBBELLIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerTHOMOS HUBBELLIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerVEY MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerWILBUR WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerWILLIAMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WheelerWILLIAM PHILLIPIllinois Statewide Death Index
W140WheppleCORA EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WherleyWILLIAM EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W140WhippleGUY DELBERTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W140WhippleRAYMOND AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W140WhippleSARAH ARVILLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W326WhitakerGERTRUDE BELLEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W326WhitakerGILES PIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WhitcombMARY LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WhitcombMARY LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteADA JEANIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteALFRED LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteANNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteANNA MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteARTHUR JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteCHARLES OLIVERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteCORA GERTRUDEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteEDNA MAXINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteELIZA MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteEMERYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteEMMA CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteFLORENCE BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteGEORGE GIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteGEORGE TIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteJESSE MORRISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteJOHN WILLAIMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteJOHN WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteLESTER DALEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteLILLIANIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteLORETTAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteLUCY EDNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteMANSEL LAWRENCEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteMARCUS DIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteMARKIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteMARY AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteMARYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteMATILDAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteMILDRED DIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteMORRIS AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteMRS CHASIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteSAM@L MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteWILLIAMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteWILLIAMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WhiteWILLIS MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W330WhiteheadLILLIANIllinois Statewide Death Index
W330WhiteheadMARKIllinois Statewide Death Index
W352WhitenackROLLAND RANSOMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W352WhitingAMANDA CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W352WhitingJOHN THOMASIllinois Statewide Death Index
W356WhitmoreALBERTA CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W356WhitmoreMABERRY OIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WhitselCHARLES WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WhitselMARGERT JANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WhitsonBERT THOMASIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WhitsonFLORENCEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WhitsonLAURA EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W326WhittakerALLYNE VIOLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W350WhittenMELVINA CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W350WhittenWILLIAM HENRYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W351WhittenbergCHAS SIllinois Statewide Death Index
W351WhittenbergJULIA AMANDAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W356WhittenmeyerJONESIllinois Statewide Death Index
W356WhittenmeyrSYLVINAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W356WhittenmyreSYLVINAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W360WhittierALICE VALINCIAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W360WhittierHARRIETIllinois Statewide Death Index
W360WhittierJOHN HARRISONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W360WhittierMINNIE BELLEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W360WhittierRALPH HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W342WhittlesCLAIR IVANIllinois Statewide Death Index
W342WhittlesTHOMASIllinois Statewide Death Index
W342WhittleseyABBIE JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W342WhittleseyALVIN FREDRICKIllinois Statewide Death Index
W342WhittleseyEDWARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W342WhittleseyJOHN HOWARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W342WhittleseyMARY FIllinois Statewide Death Index
W342WhittleseySIMEON WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W342WhittleseyWILLIAM HENRYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W460WhulerHATTIE BELLIllinois Statewide Death Index
W263WickertMARTINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W245WicklineMABEL FLORENCEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W245WicklineSARAH AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W356WidenerWILLIAMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W263WiegertMINNIE MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WielandJOHN ROBERTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W200WikeGEORGE WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W422WilcoxALBERT MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W422WilcoxEVA OIllinois Statewide Death Index
W422WilcoxLAWRENCE RIllinois Statewide Death Index
W422WilcoxMATTIE AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W422WilcoxTHOMAS ROLLANDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W422WilcoxenEDWINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WileyANGELINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WileyANNA ELEZABETHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WileyFRANK MARIONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WileyFRED WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WileyJAMES LEONARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WileyJOHN ALLDRIDGEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WileyJOHN VIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WileySARAHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WileySTEVEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WileyVIVIAN FERNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W445WilhelmEMMAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W445WilhelmIRMA BEATRICEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W445WilhelmJACK THOMASIllinois Statewide Death Index
W445WilhelmMARTIN LUTHERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W445WilhelmMARY EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W445WilhelmMAURICE DONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W430WilhiteHOWARD AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WilkeADELAIDE REBECCAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilkensCORA EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilkinsLEATRICE JUNEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilkinsSUSANNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilkinsWILLIAM GAYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilkinsonCLARENCE DIllinois Statewide Death Index
W422WilkisonDEANNA JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W463WillardHAZEL MARIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W463WillardJOHN HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W463WillardVESTA NELLIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleJOSEPHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyADDIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyALLENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyANDREWIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyARTHURIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyBOYDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyBRISONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyCORAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyDAVIDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyELIIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyHANNAHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyHATTIE SUSANIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyIDA MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyISAAC LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyJOHN OIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyLEONARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyLOUISEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyMORRISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyNOAHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyRELLA WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyRUTHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleySARAH ELIZEBETHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleySARAH EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleySARAH RACHAELIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WilleyWILLARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W430WillhiteWALTER EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W450WilliamBENJAMINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W450WilliamMARTINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsADALINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsADDAH LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsANNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsAUDRIA LEEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsCELEST MAYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsCHARLES MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsCLARA BELLEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsCORA MAYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsELLA SIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsEVAN LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsFRANK HENRYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsGEORGEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsGEORGEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsHOWARD ELLIOTTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsJANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsJOHN ELIIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsJOHN LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsJOHN MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsJOHN RIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsJOSEPH AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsLAFAYETTE MARQUISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsLIDA SIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsLINDEN HERGERTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsLOUISA BRYANTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsLUCY BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsMARTINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsMARY AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsMARY EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsMATTIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsNANCY CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsORLANDOIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsOZRO FRANKIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsPAUL BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsPAUL BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsRALPH HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsRHEA MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsROSA LEEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsSAMANTHA JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsSAMUEL ACYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsSARAH EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsSUSANNAHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsTHERESA CATHERINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsTHOMAS HOZELIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsTREVA ELZADAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsWAKEFIELD JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsZELDAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsonALICEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W452WilliamsonDOROTHYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WillisEMMAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WillisFLOYD NIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WillisFRANCESIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WillisJOHN LAWRENCEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WillisMARGARETIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WillisMARIAM CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WillisMARION FRANCISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WillisVIRGILIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WillisWILLIAM SIllinois Statewide Death Index
W432WillitsWILLIAM LEROYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WillockHARRIETTA AMANDAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W420WillsFRANKIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WilmotGEORGE CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W453WilmotMARY MARIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W450WilonCLYDE CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsenCAROLINE ELLENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonABRAHAM LINCOLNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonALBERTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonALBERT WILBERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonALVINAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonAMY JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonANDREW JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonANNA MATILDAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonANNETTAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonARTHUR CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonARTHUR WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonBARBARA KATHLEENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonBOYDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonCAROLINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonCHARLES LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonCHARLES SAMUELIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonCLARINDAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonCLARISSAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonC NIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonDOTTIE RUTHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonEDWARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonEFFIE IIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonELIZABETH ANNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonELLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonELMERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonEMMAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonETHELIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonEUGENIA ANNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonFIDELIA DIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonFRANCES MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonFRANK AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonGEORGE FREDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonGUY RIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonHAROLD EUGENEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonHELENA GLENNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonHENRIETTA FIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonHENRY JUNIORIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonIDELLA HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonINA STEVENSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonJAMES EDMONSONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonJAMES FREDRICKIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonJAMES MARTINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonJAMESIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonJAMES VANCEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonJAMES WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonJARILDA JANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonJOHNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonJONAS MAINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonLAURA AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonLEROYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonLEWIS PHILLIPIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonLILLIE AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonLORETTAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonLUCY ANNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMAGNETTA FRANSISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMARJORIE JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMARKIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMARTHA ANNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMARTHA EMMAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMARTHA LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMARY ANNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMARY EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMARY ELIZABETHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMARY FRANCESIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMARYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMARY LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMARY LOUISAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMAURICE ARTHURIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMELLISSAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMELVIN TIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMILOIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonMINERVA JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonM JANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonNORA FIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonPRICEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonR MARY &Illinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonR MARY &Illinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonROY DIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonRUSSELL JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonSAMUEL AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonSAMUEL SIMEONSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonSARAH ELIZABETHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonSARAH JANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonSARAH TIPTONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonS GRACE &Illinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonTHOMAS BARRASSIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonTHOMASIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonTHOS LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonVIOLA EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonVIRGINIAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonWALTER BRUCEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonWILLIAM DIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonWILLIAM HENRY JRIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonWILLIAM HENRYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonWILLIAM RAYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonWILLIAM WESLEYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonWILLIS MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W425WilsonWM SIllinois Statewide Death Index
W430WiltDOLLIE VIllinois Statewide Death Index
W430WiltHOWARD WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W430WiltJ ARVINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W430WiltWILLISIllinois Statewide Death Index
W522WinchesterGILES AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W530WindowBLANCHE ESTELLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W530WindowLOUISE REBECCAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W532WindsorDELLA MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W532WindsorMARGAET JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W532WindsorTHOMASIllinois Statewide Death Index
W514WinfieldELMER RAYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W526WingroveSUSAN AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W520WingsALTAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W552WinninghoffTLOYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W524WinslowMYRA ROSALINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W524WinslowWALTER MINERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W523WinstonR MARY &Illinois Statewide Death Index
W536WinterELLA WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W536WinterJACKIllinois Statewide Death Index
W536WinterJOHN WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W536WinterMARGERETE JANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W536WinterROBERT ELLSWORTHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W536WinterWILSONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W536WintersANDREW CHRISTIANIllinois Statewide Death Index
W536WintersARABELLEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W536WintersCARL CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W536WintersELLENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W536WintersGEORGE WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W536WintersMAXINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W255WisemanALICEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W250WishonCONNIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W250WishonEUGENEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W250WishonGEORGIA EDNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W250WishonJUNIOR WAYNEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W250WishonOLEADAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W250WishonOLIVE ELIZABETHIllinois Statewide Death Index
W250WishonRILEY SIllinois Statewide Death Index
W243WisleadHEBBLEWHITIllinois Statewide Death Index
W243WissleadFRANCES EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W243WissleadHEBBLEWHITIllinois Statewide Death Index
W243WissleadJAMES EDWARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W243WissleadJENNIE EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W243WissleadMARY CAROLINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W246WisslerLOUELLA BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W364WitherellMARY EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W362WitterspoonMARYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W324WitzelALLEN CHASIllinois Statewide Death Index
W536WnterJOHNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WoerleyALPHONSOIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WoerleySTELLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WoerlyFLORENCE MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WoerlyLEO WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WoerlyMARIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W430WoldOLE EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W416WoleverCHAS DUANEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W410WolfVIVA CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W410WolfWILLIAM KIllinois Statewide Death Index
W410WolfeEDWARD CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W410WolfeELIJAH TIllinois Statewide Death Index
W410WolfeMARKIllinois Statewide Death Index
W410WolfeMARTHA CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W410WolfePERMELIAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W410WolfeSUSANNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W410WolfeWILBERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WollLOUIS EMMERSONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WollLOUIS HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W430WoltyNAOMI ATILLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WoodANDREW MELVINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WoodBESSE MARGARETIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WoodBUFORD MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WoodELLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WoodGRETAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WoodIDA EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WoodJOHN HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WoodLURA ELLENIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WoodMARY PARKERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W355WoodmannFRANCIS AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W361WoodruffJOHN JEFFERSONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W361WoodruffMAGGIE MAYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W361WoodruffVELMA LESTINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WoodsDAVID EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WoodsEZRA BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WoodsMANFORDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WoodsMARGARETT AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WoodsMARY LOUELLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WoodsMINNIE MAYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WoodsORA EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WoodsORELIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WoodsSHARON EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WoodsSILAS CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WoodsWALTER DIllinois Statewide Death Index
W320WoodsWALTER WESLEYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W363WoodworthCORA EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W363WoodworthDORA IIllinois Statewide Death Index
W363WoodworthJOHN TAYLORIllinois Statewide Death Index
W363WoodworthMARILLA EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W363WoodworthOLIVER ROYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WoodySAMUELIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WoodySAMUELIllinois Statewide Death Index
W450WoolamANGIEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WooldridgeCLARA KIllinois Statewide Death Index
W436WooldridgeTHOMASIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WoolleyABBIE KELLYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WoolleyMARYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W416WoolvertonISAACIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WordELEANOR ANNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WordHERBERTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W630WordSUSANNAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W635WordenCYNTHIAN AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W635WordenFLOYD HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W635WordenFRANCIS WILLIAMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W635WordenJOHN JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W635WordenMAMIE CATHRINEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W620WorkMARGUERETIllinois Statewide Death Index
W620WorkMARTHA JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W625WorkingJAMES JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WorleyANNA LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WorleyAUTHUR EARLIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WorleyBENJAMINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WorleyHARLEY LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WorleyJOHNIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WorleyTERESAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WorleyWILLIS EDWARDIllinois Statewide Death Index
W655WormanABRAHAM MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W654WormleyJOHN FREDERICKIllinois Statewide Death Index
W640WorrellALICEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W635WorthingtonTRESSIAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W635WortmanMARY CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W623WrightARTHUR JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W623WrightCARL E SRIllinois Statewide Death Index
W623WrightELLEN CIllinois Statewide Death Index
W623WrightEMANUEL TIllinois Statewide Death Index
W623WrightFLORENCE MARYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W623WrightJAMES ALBERTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W623WrightLUCYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W623WrightLYLE LIllinois Statewide Death Index
W623WrightROZELLAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W623WrightWILLIAMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W624WrigleyFRANK ALTONIllinois Statewide Death Index
W624WrigleyHATTIE EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W624WrigleyJAMES HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W624WrigleyLOUSETTAIllinois Statewide Death Index
W624WrigleyT HATTIE &Illinois Statewide Death Index
W624WrigleyTHOMAS ELMERIllinois Statewide Death Index
W624WrigleyTHOMAS IRVINIllinois Statewide Death Index
W325WuidsonJANE MCCLUREIllinois Statewide Death Index
W164WverlyISABELLE VEARALIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WyattDAVID AIllinois Statewide Death Index
W300WyattEULADIA JENNETTIllinois Statewide Death Index
W153WybantEMMA MIllinois Statewide Death Index
W165WybrantJAMES WILLIAMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W165WybrantMARGARET JIllinois Statewide Death Index
W210WychoffHAROLD HIllinois Statewide Death Index
W210WyckoffRUSSELLIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WylieCORA BIllinois Statewide Death Index
W400WylieJOHN DIllinois Statewide Death Index
W500WyneHENRY CLAYIllinois Statewide Death Index
W500WyneJOSEPH WIllinois Statewide Death Index
W500WyneSARAH ALICEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W526WynegarH MYRLEIllinois Statewide Death Index
W526WynegarMYRA EIllinois Statewide Death Index
W526WynegarWILLIAMIllinois Statewide Death Index
W340Waddill577MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W300Wade560MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W256Wagner551MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W256Wagoner541, 549MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W426Walker541, 559, 563, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 576MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W420Wallace548MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W436Walter523, 543MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W436Walters565, 577MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W534Wantling566MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W630Ward532MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W634Wardell572MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W325Watson525, 531MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W000Way577MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W453Wayland582MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W520Waymack530MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W600Wear525, 551, 593MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W160Weaver527, 559, 571, 572MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W160Weber521, 559MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W123Webster554, 571MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W420Welch563, 574, 588, 589, 599, 600MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W420Wells571, 579MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W236Westervelt574MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W231Westfall559, 571MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W352Wettengel574MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W352Wettingel562MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W324Wetzel581, 600MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W460Wheeler542, 559MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W300White550, 554, 562, 574, 577, 589MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W320Whites554MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W342Whitlock597MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W352Whitmack527MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W323Whitsett571MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W350Whitten577,599, 600MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W352Whittington556MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W210Wicoff528MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W600Wier600MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W422Wilcox557, 574MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W422Wilcoxen530MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W445Wilhelm559MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W463Willard580MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W400Willey565, 580MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W450William577MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W452Williams519, 521, 568, 597MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W452Williamson577MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W420Willis551MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W425Willison529MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W420Wilse576MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W425Wilson534, 541, 562, 567, 568, 570, 572, 575, 577, 579, 580, 595, 599MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W524Winkler553MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W524Winslow568, 577MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W360Witherow559MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W410Wolfe559, 565MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W300Wood534MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W365Woodring559MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W320Woods565, 571MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W363Woodward599MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W400Wooley577MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W350Wooten533, 559MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W625Workman542MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W640Worley528MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W654Wormley530MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W623Worstell559MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W623Wright559MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W623Wrights596MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W210Wyckoff531MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W600Wyer600MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W500Wyne568MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XI (1990), No. 1-4
W340Waddill832, 842MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W300Wade776MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W256Waggoner768MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W256Wagner775, 831MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W300Waid856MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W523Wainscott839MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W430Waldo768MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W426Walker796, 806, 820, 825, 829, 839, 841, 849, 860, 861MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W420Wallace818MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W460Waller769, 791, 842, 846MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W420Wallick774MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W436Walter794MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W436Walters772,795,796, 850MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W436Walther862MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W435Walton774MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W430Walty795MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W630Ward813, 856MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W362Waters788MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W325Watson818, 826, 828, 853, 858MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W453Wayland826, 831, 849MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W520Waymack794, 826MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W600Wear774, 795, 818, 843, 859MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W160Weaver782MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W100Webb811MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W123Webster818, 826, 846MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W600Weir831MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W416Welborn839MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W420Welch826, 845, 854, 861MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W426Welker832MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W420Wells860MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W230West827MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W236Westervelt845MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W231Westfall774MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W234Westlake772MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W364Wetherhold796MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W352Wettengale826MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W352Wettengel783, 845MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W324Wetzel772, 845MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W450Whalen818MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W400Whaley847MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W300Wheat839MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W460Wheeler774, 793, 795, 830MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W300White794, 798, 832, 839, 843, 849, 855, 860MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W352Whitington849MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W325Whitson790MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W356Whittemore861MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W350Whitten831MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W342Whittlesey795MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W600Wier844MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W422Wilcox822MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W400Wiley854MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W445Wilhelm772, 856MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W400Will828MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W463Willard783MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W400Willey797,799MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W450William800MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W452Williams774, 795, 820, 826, 830MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W420Willis844MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W453Wilmot822MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W425Wilson783, 789, 795, 798, 799, 809, 812, 826, 843, 845, 858MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W563Winehart806MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W524Winkelman814MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W552Winningham839MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W536Winter843, 856MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W235Wisdown827MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W326Wittaker820MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W640Woerly839MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W430Wold795MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W520Wommack795MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W363Woodard833MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W320Woods860MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W436Wooldridge833MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W620Work783MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W625Worsham840MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W623Wright773, 799, 804, 818, 828, 853, 856MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W300Wyatt825, 829MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W165Wybrant772, 818MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W210Wyckoff788MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W600Wyer844MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W500Wyne819, 820, 840, 857MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XIV (1993), No. 1-4
W340Waddill32, 44MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W326Wadsworth14MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W256Waggoner89MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W435Waldemier75MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W426Walker14, 30, 44, 53, 75, 83MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W420Wallace14, 41MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W450Wallen30MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W460Waller2MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W514Wampler39MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W650Warren3, 81MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W325Watson32, 83MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W320Watts76MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W453Wayland83MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W600Wear90MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W123Webster92MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W324Wedsel8MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W200Weeks3MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W235Weightman93MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W516Weinberg53MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W420Welch33MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W420Wells75MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W420Welsh14, 30, 32MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W652Wernick7MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W234Westlake40, 41, 42MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W342Whittlesey22MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W235Wightman35MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W425Wilkins40MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W430Willett85MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W452Williams8, 30, 32, 41, 75, 76, 86MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W420Wills94MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W400Willy52MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W425Wilson3, 8, 32, 39, 45, 52, 72, 83MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W524Winchell87MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W243Wisslead32MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W360Witherow3MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W410Wolff52MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W300Wood8, 14, 75MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W361Woodruff27MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W320Woods30, 33, 39, 92MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W363Woodward93MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W450Woolam36, 86, 87MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W400Wooley75MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W635Worden40MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W625Workman9MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W640Worrell32MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W635Worthington26, 40, 41MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W650Wren26MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W623Wright14, 85MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W300Wyatt32MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XV (1994), No. 1-4
W340WaddillC. W.140MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W256WagnerRalph103MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W300WaitWilliam165MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W426WalkerDaniel132MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W426WalkerHenry M.129MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W426WalkerJ. V.140MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W426WalkerJames165MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W426WalkerJane127MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W426WalkerLaban125MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W426WalkerOrsamus138MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W426WalkerQuintus152MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W426WalkerThomas175MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W426WalkerWesley154MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W426WalkerWm. S. B.129MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W460WallerLeona98,122,146MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W450WallinIsaac S.138MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W450WallinMary J.138MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W452WallingfordAlice165MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W656WarnerDella M.103MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W656WarnerFrancis A.155MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W652WarnockJohn123MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W362WatersGideon B.155MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W325WatsonAnnie B.138MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W325WatsonJohn F.138MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W325WatsonMary113MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W325WatsonRobert P.188MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W100WebbHarry113MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W100WebbLillian113MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W100WebbLily99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W123WebsterMr.153MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WelchB. J.125MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WelchCharles163MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WelchJames125MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WelchRobert118MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WellsDoc128MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WellsFrank128MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WellsFred128MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WellsGeorge A.128MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WellsHarry128MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WellsRay128MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WellsRoy128MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WellsSarah165MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WellsWalter128MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W231WestfallIsabinda179MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W450WhalenFrancis177MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W460WheelerFred99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W460WheelerL. H.154MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W460WheelerVerne99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W300WhiteAnna133MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W300WhiteBertha117MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W300WhiteCarol186MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W422WilcoxR. S.106MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W400WileyJean118MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W445WilhelmErnest99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W400WilleyCaroline138MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W400WilleyGeorge138MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W452WilliamsDean102MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W452WilliamsDon102MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W452WilliamsFred102MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W452WilliamsGlenn E.189MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W452WilliamsJames125MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W452WilliamsMargare177MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W452WilliamsW. D.128MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WillisHollie E.175MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W420WillisMary155MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonArden99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonBlanche99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonCampbell114MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonCarl99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonDottie99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonEbert99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonEliza111MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonFern98MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonGail99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonGordon99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonHarold99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonHerschel99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonLucy99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonMarshall99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonR. Delbert99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonSarah Alic132MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonThomas133MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W425WilsonWm. L.125MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W526WinegartnerClyd132MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W410WolfClaude99MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W320WoodsCarrie139MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W323WoodsideJ. G.125MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W323WoodsideJohn125MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W363WoodworthBessi131MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W640WorrellGeo.114MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W623WrightMary181MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4
W300WyattCaroline138MCGS Newsletter, Vol. XVI (1995), No. 1-4